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All Children and Families

Transfer of Lifeline Services – Manchester

16 Jun 2017 - 12:22 by michelle.foster

As you will be aware, Lifeline has been experiencing significant financial difficulties over the past few months. This has culminated in a position where in order to safeguard service provision, particularly for service users and to look after the interests of staff, Lifeline approached CGL to assist in a process that would ensure service continuity. change, grow, live

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Safeguarding Children and Young People Vulnerable to Radicalisation and Extremism - Practice Guidance

16 Jun 2017 - 12:18 by michelle.foster

The current threat from terrorism in the United Kingdom can involve the exploitation of vulnerable people, including children, young people and vulnerable adults to involve them in terrorism or activity in support of terrorism.

It is universally agreed that this exploitation should be viewed as a safeguarding concern.

This guidance is intended to provide a clear framework for all professionals working with children for whom there are concerns that they are at risk of becoming involved in violent extremist activity.

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Spirit Story for Volunteers' Week 2017: Beca, Al and Marie – Volunteers at Manchester Action on Street Health (MASH)

6 Jun 2017 - 10:52 by guest.blogger

Our fourth, fifth and sixth Volunteer's Week Spirit Stories come from Beca, Al and Marie who all volunteer with Manchester Action on Street Health (MASH).

"MASH supports women engaged in prostitution (sex work). Last year MASH supported 884 women.

Spirit Story for Volunteers' Week 2017: Hannah Affleck – Volunteer Mentor for City Year UK

5 Jun 2017 - 16:36 by guest.blogger

 Our third Volunteers’ Week Spirit Story comes from Hannah – a volunteer with City Year UK.

City Year UK is a youth social action charity, challenging 18 - 25 year olds to give a year in their local community supporting students and schools in disadvantaged areas across Greater Manchester.

City Year volunteers give their time 4 days a week at a local school as tutors, mentors and role models, supporting students both in and outside the classroom.

Spirit Story for Volunteers' Week 2017: Molly Wright – Telephone Support Line Call Handler for NAPAC (The National Association of People Abused in Childhood)

1 Jun 2017 - 16:28 by guest.blogger

Our first Volunteers’ Week Spirit Story comes from Molly – a volunteer with NAPAC who supports the organisation as a Telephone Support Line Call Handler.

NAPAC helps adults that have been abused in childhood; their main area of work is to offer a Telephone Support line that provides support to adult survivors of child abuse. NAPAC also provides support via e-mail and they pride themselves on answering every call or e-mail they receive individually.

BBC Children in Need - grants programme - 2017 deadlines

30 May 2017 - 10:11 by michelle.foster

The BBC Children in Need grant supports UK charities and not for profit organisations working with disadvantaged children and young people who are 18 years old and under. Small grants of £10,000 or less per year for up to three years and Main Grants over £10,000 per year for up to three years. BBC Children in Need

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Guest Blog: A Caring Manchester

26 May 2017 - 17:40 by Mike Wild

I'm delighted to share a blog written by Dr Sohail Munshi, reflecting on the response to the events at the MEN Arena this week. (Click here to read Macc's response)

I’ve never written a blog before so this is a first.

Manchester Mind - Coping with traumatic events - Manchester Arena bombing

24 May 2017 - 14:02 by michelle.foster

When terrible things happen, like last night's incident at the Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, it can have a huge lasting impact on how we feel, even if we are not involved directly. Mind

Some common reactions are to feel angry, fearful, anxious or stressed. Others might feel extremely sad or hopeless.

If you have existing mental health problems, events like these could trigger them or make them harder to deal with.

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Mental wellbeing advice - Following the Manchester Arena Incident

24 May 2017 - 13:48 by michelle.foster

This guidance is aimed at anyone exposed to the incident at Manchester Arena that took place on 22 May 2017. The emotional effects will be felt by survivors, bereaved families, friends, emergency services, health care workers and the general public. If you witnessed or lost someone in the attack you will most certainly have a strong reaction. Reactions are likely to be strongest in those closest to the incident, who directly witnessed the aftermath and who were involved in the immediate care of victims.

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