
CAHN and Home Office session: e-Visa transition II

Have you switched to the e-Visa system yet?

Are you still in need of support in setting up your UKVI account?

If you are facing challenges or uncertainties in this process, you're not alone. With an extended grace period from the UK government until the end of March 2025 to switch to an e-Visa, don't delay any longer, there is another opportunity to seek the guidance and support you need to successfully complete your e-Visa application.



GM Live Well: Growing great everyday support in every neighbourhood, to tackle health, social and economic inequalities

The fourth face to face event in the Live Well series, this day will bring together people, and community and system leaders, from every locality, to focus on what it will take to grow great everyday support in every GM neighbourhood. This everyday support has the potential to offer effective, trusted, trauma-informed support at people’s doorsteps, grow communities’ health and wellbeing and reduce demand on public services.

Manchester Monastery, Gorton
Shared Topic Areas

Shifting the Conversation: Developing our workforce and volunteering to support moving more

Systems Leadership supports the workforce to help communities to live more active lives. Over the last two years we have hosted a series of workshops on topics such as: Storytelling, community reporting, coaching, community engagement, inclusive leadership, facilitation, framing and values. We have focused on amplifying leadership for those without positional power, levers to pull, or a large budget to wield with people across sectors.  

Friends Meeting House, Central Manchester
Shared Topic Areas

Live Well Live: Primary care and community-led partnerships for healthier neighbourhoods

With ever-increasing pressures, primary care is increasingly pivoting towards working hand-in-hand with communities. These innovative, community-led approaches are not only empowering residents, but also reducing demand on the NHS by addressing root causes of health inequalities and shifting the focus to prevention and early intervention.

Shared Topic Areas

Delivering Maternity Equality: A summit to identify the challenges of maternity inequalities in Greater Manchester, and develop pathways to serving families and children better

Maternity inequalities remain stark, with maternal mortality rates significantly higher for Black and Asian women and those living in deprived areas. Perinatal mental illness also affects 1 in 4 births, contributing to poorer outcomes for families and children.

Whitworth Art Gallery, Oxford Road, Manchester, M15 6ER
Shared Topic Areas

Leadership for Inclusion Masterclass: Allyship Event

This session will explore the transformative power of allyship in leadership, workforce engagement, and community development. Allyship is not only about fostering inclusion but also about empowering individuals and groups, particularly those from underrepresented or marginalised backgrounds, to thrive and contribute fully. The discussion will examine how leaders can act as allies, creating environments where everyone feels valued, respected, and heard.

Key themes include:


COVID-19 Day of Reflection 2025 – Coming Together in Hope III

2025 marks five years since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. This significant milestone invites us to come together in reflection and unity for Coming Together in Hope III, a National Service dedicated to Black Caribbean and African communities who faced unique challenges during the pandemic.  

This service is an opportunity to:  

  • Remember and commemorate lives lost
  • Reflect on the sacrifices made and the resilience shown
  • Honour health and social care staff, frontline workers, and volunteers

Event highlights:  

Manchester Cathedral, Victoria Street, Manchester, M3 1SX
Shared Topic Areas