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Get Grants: Meet the Expert event - easyfundraising

Get Grants are excited to partner with easyfundraising, the UK’s biggest charity shopping site.

At this Meet the Expert event, we (Get Grants) will be joined by Becky Coleman, Partnerships Manager for easyfundraising, who will explain how changing your organisations and networks online shopping habits can support your fundraising goals.

Through attending you will have the opportunity to take part in a session discussing easyfundraising, which is free for any not-for-profit organisation to use.

So how does easyfundraising work?

10 September, 2024 - 11:00 to 12:00
Shared Topic Areas: 

Get Grants: Virtual Fundraisers Networking event

There has never been a greater need for fundraisers to get together and share knowledge and experience. Get Grants FREE Virtual Fundraisers Networking Events bring fundraisers together to access friendly peer-support from our UK-wide Get Grants Community.

If you are new to fundraising, are the only person fundraising in your organisation, or have a wealth of fundraising experience to share, our FREE Virtual Fundraisers Networking Events are a fantastic opportunity to connect with other fundraisers!

28 August, 2024 - 10:00 to 11:00
Shared Topic Areas: 

Ambulance Community Day

30 September, 2024 - 12:30 to 14:30
  • Meet your local paramedics, call handlers and patient transport service care assistants
  • Get insight on careers and volunteering take part in first aid demos
  • Browse interactive information stands on ambulance and partner services
  • Enjoy free refreshments

If you would like to find out how the North West Ambulance Service performed in 2023/24, their Annual General Meeting will take place at the same venue on the same day starting at 11am.

Shared Topic Areas: 

GM Ethnic Communities Network Event

9 September, 2024 - 09:00 to 13:00

These meetings are a chance for GM Ethnic Communities Network members and allies to connect, share experiences and learn from one another as well as hear from guest speakers on relevant topics.

Free refreshments and a vegetarian lunch will be provided.

You can find out more about the GM Ethnic Communities Network here.

Macc & Royal Literacy Fund: Case Study workshop

A case study tells the story of a person, group or event. It is a structured approach to exploring ideas, explaining situations, demonstrating learning, reporting progress or celebrating your organisation’s success and the benefits for individuals, communities and other stakeholders. Case studies can also be useful for marketing and research.

10 September, 2024 - 10:00 to 12:30
Shared Topic Areas: 

Delve x Macc: Developing Your People to Thrive

Learn innovative strategies for effective and inclusive talent development in VCSE organisations to enable your people to thrive.

Are you ready to revolutionise the way you think about talent and development in your VCSE organisation? Join us for an engaging and insightful webinar where Sarah Montgomery, Director at Delve OD, will share the latest thinking in talent development and provide strategies for fostering a more effective and inclusive approach to people development, specifically tailored to smaller budgets in the VCSE Sector.  

7 August, 2024 - 12:00 to 13:00

Charity Digital: How to lower your digital carbon footprint webinar

More than four in five charities say they are concerned about the impacts of climate change, making it more critical that they take steps to address it, including lowering their carbon footprint. While recycling and taking public transport are familiar tactics for reducing emissions, the carbon footprint of digital technology, however, is often underestimated, despite being comparable to that of the aviation industry. 

15 August, 2024 - 13:00 to 14:00
Shared Topic Areas: 

Third Sector Lab: Creating with Canva for non-profits

Canva is a free-to-use online graphic design tool which can be used to create presentations, graphics, simple videos and other marketing materials.

This workshop will cover how you can make use of Canva to create professional-looking graphics and resources using Canva. We’ll look at the tools available, how they work as well as the templates that are available to help kickstart your digital design projects.

What you’ll take away from this workshop:

27 August, 2024 - 11:00 to 12:30
Shared Topic Areas: 
