Directory of groups

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Organisation Name Target Audience Category of Work Where Do They Work? Cash donations Non-cash donations
Portland Club Women, Families and lone parents, Children 0 -12 Arts, heritage and culture Didsbury West
Portland Club Women, Families and lone parents, Children 0 -12 Arts, heritage and culture Didsbury West
Power2 Children 0 -12, Young people (aged 13-25) Education, Information, advice and guidance, Mental health City-Wide, Greater Manchester, North West To make a donation, visit our website:
Praxis Care People with mental health problems, Tenants and residents Wellbeing, Health and Social Care, Social care (e.g. day services, respite, home care) Baguley
Praxis Care People with mental health problems, Tenants and residents Wellbeing, Health and Social Care, Social care (e.g. day services, respite, home care) Baguley
Prime Relief People/communities experiencing racial inequalities, Refugees and people seeking asylum, Unemployed people Equalities and civil rights, Race (including ethnicity/nationality), Volunteer driver service Cheetham, Harpurhey, Moston, Piccadilly, Longsight, Didsbury East, City-Wide, Greater Manchester Please contact us on 0752 163 3970 or 0743 836 7927
Princes Trust Unemployed people, Young people (aged 13-25) Economic well-being, Capacity building and other support for voluntary or community organisations Greater Manchester
Projekts MCR Children 0 -12, People with mental health problems, Young people (aged 13-25) Arts, heritage and culture, Economic well-being, Wellbeing, Health and Social Care City-Wide
Proper Job Theatre Group Unemployed people Arts, heritage and culture, Education, training and research, Information, advice and guidance City-Wide
Proud 2 b Parents Children 0 -12, Families and lone parents, LGBTQIA+, Looked after children, Men, People with learning disabilities, People with mental health problems, Victims of crime and their families, Women, Young people (aged 13-25) Campaigning and Lobbying, Capacity building and other support for voluntary or community organisations, Community development, Helping people feel that they belong to their community, Helping people to feel safe, Victim support, Community safety, Family support, Education, training and research, Education, Information, advice and guidance, Research, Equalities and civil rights, Gender, Trans rights, Marriage and civil partnership, Pregnancy and maternity, Race (including ethnicity/nationality), Sexual orientation, International development, Support and services for social enterprises and social entrepreneurs, Wellbeing, Health and Social Care, Health and wellbeing in general, Mental health, Physical disability or sensory impairment, Learning disability, Social care (e.g. day services, respite, home care), Sexual health, Tackling loneliness and isolation, Venue City-Wide, Greater Manchester, North West, UK Wide You can make a donation to us here: You can make a donation to use here:
PSU Manchester Equalities and civil rights Deansgate
PSU Manchester Equalities and civil rights Deansgate
Pyschological Wellbeing Service (IAPT) People with mental health problems Wellbeing, Health and Social Care Hulme, North Manchester CCG, Central Manchester CCG, South Manchester CCG
Quality Living Scheme People/communities experiencing racial inequalities, Tenants and residents, Hulme, Greater Manchester
Quality Living Scheme People/communities experiencing racial inequalities, Tenants and residents, Hulme, Greater Manchester
Queer Family Tea LGBTQIA+ Cheetham, City-Wide, North
Queer Youth Network LGBTQIA+, Young people (aged 13-25) Equalities and civil rights Hulme
Quietly Confidential Carers, People with mental health problems, Families and lone parents Wellbeing, Health and Social Care, Social care (e.g. day services, respite, home care) Whalley Range
Radio Diamond DM Hulme, Moss Side, Rusholme, Chorlton, Whalley Range Contact us about making a donation. You can drop pff items at our office, contact 07967336021 to arrange drop off.
Radio Lollipop Limited (Manchester) Children 0 -12, Young people (aged 13-25) Toy collection/distribution, Health and wellbeing in general City-Wide