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Communities and Equalities Scrutiny Committee – 20 June 2023

The major item on the agenda for this meeting was an update on the Homelessness Service. Councillor Midgley commented that there had been some really positive progress made, even with ongoing pressures to the Service. The number of rough sleepers had dramatically reduced and there had been a turnaround in the number of families in B&B accommodation. Only two families were currently in B&B accommodation for over six weeks, from 131 in the last report, and only one family had been placed out of Manchester in B&B accommodation.

The Growth Company Expression of Interest – GMCA UKSPF Progression Towards Inclusive Employment

18 Jul 2023 - 09:06 by michelle.foster

The Growth Company welcomes Expression of Interests (EOI's) from organisations with experience of working with similar customer groups in Greater Manchester and/or experience of delivering proven specialist interventions.

The programme called Progression Towards Inclusive Employment will deliver a core programme of support for economically inactive Greater Manchester residents who are furthest away from the labour market and face complex barriers to work.

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Citizens Survey – Supported Living for Mental Health

18 Jul 2023 - 08:49 by michelle.foster

Manchester Local Care Organisation (MLCO) are in the early stages of a procurement exercise to tender for combined aspects of their Adults Mental Health and LD Supported Accommodation provision, with the intention of forming a pool of recognised new and existing providers who can assist them in establishing the best offer to citizens and their carers/families.

As part of MLCO’s commitment to involving service users (both present and future) in defining what is expected, but also hoped for from such provision, they would like to hear the views of as many as the time allows.  

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MASH "This money has made a real impact on the lives of the women we support"

17 Jul 2023 - 11:26 by helen.walker

Macc recently managed the latest Spirit of Manchester Fund round of grants which focused on organisations that support people with the cost of living crisis. We will be sharing one story a day in July to show the impact of these grants and the wide range of projects that they supported. Today, we have the story from MASH (Manchester Action on Street Health):

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Join Breakthrough UK’s Manchester Lived Experience Leaders Project

13 Jul 2023 - 10:13 by michelle.foster

Are you a disabled person, or do you have lived experience of disability or a long-term health condition?
breakthrough ukDo you live in the city of Manchester?
Could you use your lived experience and knowledge to make Manchester a better place for disabled people?

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Advocating for access and support needs – a free tool for your members and their service users

12 Jul 2023 - 13:51 by michelle.foster

Involving people from seldom heard and marginalised groups has never been easy, and whether you want to consult, involve, engage or co-produce with service users, recognising the barriers standing in the way, and being committed to shaping our lives inclusive involvement matterstackling them, will help you to both engage more people and make the experience more positive for them, increasing the possibility of their participation in the future.

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Auto Trader Community Fund

12 Jul 2023 - 12:57 by michelle.foster

The Auto Trader Community Fund aims to encourage and support grassroots community organisations. This means small, community-based and locally controlled groups that manage themselves, encourage people to get involved as a blue bag with a yellow ribbon around the top and white pound sign on the frontvolunteers and who just need a bit of financial help to be able to work with their community in the way they’d like.

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Legacy 901 CIC - Let’s Talk

12 Jul 2023 - 10:32 by helen.walker

Macc recently managed the latest Spirit of Manchester Fund round of grants which focused on organisations that support people with the cost of living crisis. We will be sharing one story a day in July to show the impact of these grants and the wide range of projects that they supported. Today, we have the story from Legacy901 CIC:

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