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Spot the signs - working with child sexual exploitation

21 Jan 2013 - 16:44 by nicola.shanahan

New advice for parents, professionals and young people on the signs of sexual exploitation and how to keep safe

It is important that voluntary sector organisations that work with children and young people understand sexual exploitation, can understand and spot the signs of sexual exploitation and know what to do if a child or young person discloses.

Your Square Mile Launches Moss Side & Hulme Local Portal

21 Jan 2013 - 16:02 by michelle.foster

Community engagement organisation Your Square Mile has launched a portal for Moss Side and Hulme, at www.moss-side.yoursquaremile.co.uk, creating a central hub for local projects, event listings, news and polls. Ranging from a community action forum to anti-violence initiatives, these projects were voted on in a public workshop held at the Zion Arts Centre in Moss Side in November.

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Institute of Community Reporters Launch Screen Writing Course

21 Jan 2013 - 13:48 by michelle.foster

The Institute of Community Reporters is launching a new course for budding screen writers in the Manchester and Salford area.

The half day session is lead by Marc Gee whose script for "Al’s Lads" became a £3m feature film starring Ralf Little, Marc Warren and Ricky Tomlinson.

It is an opportunity to learn about the three act-structure, research, character development and how to write exciting dialogue. Marc will be showing excerpts from film classics and his film Al's Lads giving a unique insight into the world of writing for film.

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Manchester Hatecrime Strategy

21 Jan 2013 - 13:29 by Mike Wild

The week of 21st January 2013 is Hatecrime Awareness Week. The first in a week full of events is a launch of the new Hate Crime Strategy for the city by the Manchester Community Safety Partnership*.

Click here to see the calendar of events for Hatecrime Awareness Week (PDF)

Click here to download the new Hatecrime Strategy (PDF)

Hatecrime is crime which is targeted at a person because of

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The Silver Line Helpline - Update on progress

21 Jan 2013 - 11:18 by michelle.foster

In November last year The Silver Line pilot was launched in Manchester. This is a helpline which provides three functions to support older people:

• a sign-posting service to link them into the many, varied services that exist in their area;
• a befriending service to combat loneliness;
• and a means of empowering those who may be suffering abuse and neglect, if appropriate to transfer them to specialist services to protect them from harm.

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Mission Impossible: The Graph of Doom

17 Jan 2013 - 19:31 by Mike Wild

Yesterday morning I went to the briefing where the City Council announced their budget plans for the next 2 years. The key message is bleak: beyond the £170m cut from the Council’s annual budget in 2011, they now have to cut a further £80m per year. Manchester, it was said, has been hit hardest out of all the boroughs in Greater Manchester and out of all the major cities outside London.

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Manchester City Council publishes budget proposal details and consultation

17 Jan 2013 - 17:03 by michelle.foster

Manchester City Council has published its proposed budget for 2013/14, setting out how it will address a £40 million funding shortfall over the next financial year, rising to around £80m in 2014/15.

The Council's financial position, and proposals for dealing with it, are set out in a series of reports to be considered by its Executive when it meets on Wednesday 23 January.

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