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UK Fruit and Veg shortfall – national crisis or opportunity to build a new generation of sustainable farmers?

24 Aug 2018 - 11:02 by michelle.foster

An additional 2 million tonnes of fruit and veg is required to feed the UK’s growing population, yet less than 1% of the UK’s agricultural area is used for producing it. With the right support and resources we could seize this as an opportunity to boost the local food and farming sector in the UK. In Greater Manchester the Kindling Trust is working to do just that, making fresh organic veg available to communities, and encouraging new people into growing as a viable career option.

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Voluntary Trustee Roles at Human Appeal

24 Aug 2018 - 10:56 by michelle.foster

Human Appeal is a faith-based charity inspired by Islamic values. Human Appeal started in a small flat in Manchester in 1991 and this year they have worked in 24 countries around the world. Human Appeal aim is to abolish poverty by providing humanitarian aid, sustainable development programs and championing advocacy for their beneficiaries worldwide. Huamn Appeal

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Heart and Parcel English and Cooking 6 week project

24 Aug 2018 - 10:55 by michelle.foster

Heart and Parcel would like to invite women ESOL learners to practise their English, learn new recipes, eat, chat, share and more.

The next session is starting on 10 September and will take place every Monday for 6 weeks, 10am to 1pm at Roby Church, 307 Dickenson Road, Longsight, Manchester, M13 0NG.

It is free to join, and learners can be of any level. It is not accredited, but just a relaxed and informal place to practice and use your English.

For further information and to register, contact Naomi on 0771 059 0610.

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Take part in a survey investigating mental health in Manchester

24 Aug 2018 - 10:53 by michelle.foster

The University of Nottingham’s Centre for Mental Health is proud to be working with Greater Manchester Combined Authorities and NHS in Greater Manchester to investigate mental health in Greater Manchester.

Greater Manchester, can you help?
The University of Nottingham’s Centre for Mental Health wants to know what you think about the services you get in Greater Manchester.

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Trapped: Stopping the criminal exploitation of children and vulnerable adults - Conference Invite - Monday 8 October

22 Aug 2018 - 12:43 by michelle.foster

A forthcoming free conference the Programme Challenger and Deputy Mayor’s officer are hosting on Monday 8 October at Audacious Church.

The conference is focussed around what work has been done, and we can do as a GM system to identify, prevent and address the criminal exploitation of children and vulnerable adults.

We are inviting partners from LA’s (including the Safeguarding Boards) Police, Health, Education and Youth Offending Service, but we are also keen to ensure we have good representation from the voluntary, community and faith sector.

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£2 million Youth strand of the Building Connections Fund opens

17 Aug 2018 - 10:13 by michelle.foster

Eligible charities and community organisations from across England can apply for up to £80,000 from the Building Connections Fund Youth strand, to expand or enhance their work tackling youth loneliness. Coop Foundation

Funding, delivered by the Co-op Foundation, is available for projects that support any groups of young people within the most deprived 30% areas of England.

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Miners Community Arts and Music Centre volunteer open evening

17 Aug 2018 - 10:09 by michelle.foster

An ex-miners washhouse turned community arts and music venue in Moston is looking for people to get involved in all aspects of the organisation. From creative folks who can dream up and run projects, friendly faces to serve brews to the lovely folk who visit, to trustees to help set the strategic direction - the Miners Community arts and Music wants you involved.

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Partners across Manchester come together to champion youth social action in communities across the city

17 Aug 2018 - 10:08 by michelle.foster

Young Manchester has launched a Positive Engagement Programme which will engage more young people in the communities of Manchester through detached youth work. The charity has commissioned £250,000 for the 21-month project which will improve opportunities for young people. Young Manchester

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