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Women’s Resource Centre Feminist Leadership Training – new dates

28 Apr 2022 - 11:23 by michelle.foster

Women’s Resource Centre’s (WRC) Feminist Leadership Training is a person-centred training, enabling the recognition of personal leadership traits, and exploration of the relationship between women's resource centrefeminism, intersectionality, and leadership. WRC share practical tools and good practice and initiate respectful dialogue about specific specialist subjects to enable social change.

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Women Resource Centre Feminist Leadership Training

3 Feb 2022 - 14:18 by michelle.foster

This CPD accredited programme is a person-centred training enabling women to recognise their leadership traits, explore the relationship between feminism, intersectionality and leadership, to learn about practical tools, share good practice and engage in dialogue and reflection on how to create social change.

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Women’s Voices 2022 – International Women’s Day

13 Jan 2022 - 13:27 by michelle.foster

media trustMedia Trust has announced the launch of their annual Women’s Voices event in celebration of International Women's Day. Media Trust are offering 30 charities that support, campaign and advocate for all women and girls, the opportunity to work with their own team of media and creative industry volunteers.

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Sporting Equals are seeking organisations in Greater Manchester to help support a women and teenage girls project

2 Sep 2021 - 15:25 by michelle.foster

sporting equalsSporting Equals are putting together a project to help enable the least active girls aged 15-18 in Manchester, particularly those from lower income and diverse backgrounds, to try new activities in their communities, to help them get active, and stay active, for life.   

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Safety of Women at Night Fund

12 Aug 2021 - 14:47 by michelle.foster

gov.ukFunding is available for interventions which focus on preventing violence against women and girls in public spaces at night, including in the night-time economy.

The Safety of Women at Night Fund will fund initiatives focused on preventing violence against women and girls in public spaces at night, including:

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How to fix Social Prescribing?

28 Jun 2021 - 14:53 by Nigel Rose

On July 14th Macc is holding a voluntary sector assembly about social prescribing, where we will be helping the VCSE sector to write a manifesto about what we collectively want from social prescribing. This article is my personal take on some of the issues.

Macc Equality Survey

23 Jun 2021 - 14:41 by michelle.foster

maccMacc is reviewing our equalities and inclusion approach. We have been wanting to do this work for some time and while COVID-19 has disrupted so much over the last year, we believe this work is important and so we are now starting this as lockdown measures are easing. In the light of the increased focus on tackling racism, we want to make sure we are playing our part in that movement as best we can.

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People in Greater Manchester asked for views on tackling Gender-Based Violence

23 Jun 2021 - 14:22 by michelle.foster

gmcaThe Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) has launched a public consultation to gain a wide range of views on proposals developed to tackle gender-based violence in the city-region, ranging from how men and boys treat women and girls to strengthening services for victims and survivors.

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