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Organisation Name Description Cash donations Non-cash donations
Levenshulme Inspire

Inspire is a multi-purpose community venue based inside a former church, a thriving and and well-loved centre owned by the people of Levenshulme.

All the activities, classes and events that happen at Inspire aim to benefit local people through community activity, creativity, enterprise...

Pay it forward in the cafe

Food donations for the community shelf and fridge

LGBT Foundation

We’re LGBT Foundation. We are a national charity with LGBTQ+ health and wellbeing at the heart of everything we do. We celebrate and empower our diverse communities to realise their full potential, every day.

Our services and activities are a lifeline for those in need. We offer hope and...

Visit https://lgbt.foundation/donate to donate today.

Donation tins are available at our Community Centre. Alternatively, look for our pink collection tins in Gay Village venues.


Our mission is to break the cycle of homelessness, offending behaviour, reduce harm and promote health. We work and collaborate in partnership with other statutory and non-statutory services, organisations and agencies. Lifeshare have been providing services to the vulnerable and marginalised of...

Please see or website for all current campaigns and ways to donate

Please contact our website or social media sites


To provide for the relief of women and their children "family" relationship in Manchester and throughout the United Kingdom and abroad

To advance public education and understanding of the issues of domestic violence throughout the United Kingdom and abroad.

To promote...

Lighthouse Project

The Lighthouse Project is a community hub where we welcome and support people so that they can achieve... We have lots of things that you can do to help you learn new skills, face challenges, to get help and support, and to make friends and join new activities.


By contacting the centre, or just calling by when we are open.

Lightime C.I.C.

Cultural education, performing arts, library activities, museums activities. Bringing life closer, improving the community through Art.

About us
Organisational Philosophy: Through activities, education, and exhibitions related to arts, culture, and language preservation, Lightime...

Email us to discuss making a donation: [email protected]


Aims & Objectives
Are to support diverse communities to develop a healthier quality of life and living well community model across the North West.

We open up better ways of working. We have an excellent reputation which we will continue to nurture and develop. We are proud...

Lips inked arts cic

Lips Inked Arts collaborates with communities providing inspiring creative opportunities. We work primarily with underserved communities across the North West and Derbyshire. We believe everyone should have access to the arts.

Please get in touch via our website.

Please get in touch via our website.

LMCP Care Link

We have been providing information, advice and advocacy to South Asian older persons and their carers, and South Asian women with mental health needs and their carers since 1990. Unfortunately we were unsuccessful with our Our Manchester application last year. We have just been informed by the...

Love For The Streets

We are at the heart of a generation who are driven by purpose, and who are inspired to be active in social change. We can place any business, brand or organisation at the centre of culture and communication, and activate a generation through the causes we love.

We make it as easy as...

Lurid Ultra Hybrid

To provide a welcoming and exciting environment as a hub for the alternative LGBT+ community

MA Famille (My Family)

MA FAMILLE is a black African group who work for their community by supporting each other within the group and other members of our black community to integrate and contribute into the British society while maintaining their African culture


Macc is the local voluntary and community sector support organisation for the city of Manchester.

Donate to our Spirit on Manchester Fund on LocalGiving here: https://localgiving.org/donation/macc

Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Centre

The Macmillan Cancer information and support service, Wythenshawe Hospital offers information and support for people affected by cancer and also support for families. The centre has many support facilities to help with the impact of cancer, with ability to link in and signpost to many other...

Donations to Macmillan cancer Support main support line 0808 808 00 00 7 days a week 8am-8pm


Made by Mortals

We create immersive (stuff that gets you right involved in the action) podcasts, films and musical theatre shows in collaboration with world-class professional artists, health and social care organisations and a wonderful mix of community participants.

Contacting us at [email protected]

Contacting us at [email protected]

Make a Difference

To support, raise awareness and deliver activities which actively promote and address health and well-being issues
To provide a regular platform for local people to raise issues of health and well-being needs and signpost to relevant agencies
To facilitate the weekly activities group...

Make Lunch South Manchester

We provide food and activities for families at risk of hunger during the school holidays; children who would normally have a free school meal during term time, but not in the holidays.

We communicate with local schools and ask them to signpost families they know who are struggling to...

Making Education a Priority (MEaP/MaCTRI)

We aim to:
• Grow our consortium of supplementary schools across the Greater Manchester area
• Share teaching, research, capital and human resources across the consortium
• Focus on teaching core curriculum subjects (English, Maths and Sciences)
• Use digital, creative...

Make a donation here: https://meap.org.uk/donate/

Manchester & Salford Ecumenical Whit Walk

We organise the annual Manchester & Salford Ecumenical Whit Walk that takes place in Manchester City Centre on May Bank Holiday Monday each year. We process from Manchester Cathedral to St Peter's Square and back.

You can make a donation here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/manchester-salford-ecumenical-whit-walk-2024

Manchester Action for Children

We subscribe to the World Bank’s 12 Principles for Guiding OVC Interventions, endorsed by the UNAIDS Committee in November 2001.

1. Strengthen the protection and care of orphans and other vulnerable children within their extended families and communities;
2. Strengthen the...
