
Charity Digital x Sage: Advanced financial planning strategies for charities

Forecasting the future is a power many charities would like to have, particularly during periods of economic uncertainty. Fortunately, with the right data, charities can do just that, using detailed information of what’s gone before to predict what might come after. Financial data can be especially useful to charities, helping them to understand everything from the best times to launch fundraising campaigns and how to effectively allocate funds to support services for longer. 

Shared Topic Areas

NCVO: Mentoring and Coaching Skills

This course provides an introduction to the key differences between mentoring and coaching. You’ll learn how to use both skills effectively to develop and support staff, volunteers and clients.

Coaching and mentoring can help people grow, develop and reach their full potential. There are differences in approach, but similarities in the skills needed.

In this course we (NCVO) explore the differences and when to use each approach. The course also covers the core skills needed to be an effective coach or mentor.

By the end of the event, you’ll:


Media Trust: Charity's Guide to the Theory of Change

Are you looking to better explain the vital work your charity does and why? Join our (Media Trust) interactive workshop on the Theory of Change to find out how!

The Theory of Change is a transformative model that clarifies how your charity’s activities lead to meaningful outcomes. But what is the Theory of Change, and how can it help your charity? Whether you’re a micro or national sized charity, this powerful tool will support you in clarifying and focusing your charity’s goals and impact.

Shared Topic Areas

Media Trust: Media Interviews for Charities - Top Tips and Tricks

Get ready to ace your media interviews and learn valuable tips and tricks specifically tailored for charities.

Gain essential insights on speaking to the media with confidence and delivering your charity’s message effectively in this informative webinar.

Our (Media Trust) expert trainer will provide practical advice to help you stay calm, build confidence, stay on message, and make a lasting impression. You’ll learn about appropriate TV and radio manners, familiarise yourself with various interviewer styles, and prepare to respond effectively when journalists reach out.


Feminist Leadership Programme Autumn/Winter 2024

Women’s Resource Centre are thrilled to announce that applications for the fully funded 3-day Feminist Leadership Training Programme are open.

Are you new to leadership or would like to move into a leadership role one day?

Do you want to be a leader of social change?

About the Feminist Leadership Training Programme
This FREE training programme consists of three full day or six 3.5-hour online sessions on Feminist Leadership.


Trustee Leadership Programme – Virtual

Delivered by social enterprise Cause4 in partnership with the Clothworkers’ Company, this award-winning Trustee course now trains over 500 Trustees a year and gives professionals the skills and confidence to join a charity as a board member.

An enriching career development opportunity offered across two online sessions, the course covers the key responsibilities of Trustees and other regulatory issues alongside real-world insights from experts from across the charity sector.

Shared Topic Areas

Love Will Always Win

I originally started writing this over the weekend, wanting to capture my rising sense of anger and anxiety at what we’ve been seeing. I've gone back to it a few times, feeling a need not to just roll out some fairly obvious words at a time like this. This isn’t meant to be a ‘briefing’ or a ‘statement’ - it’s a reflection and some thoughts I would encourage you to consider.

Directory of Social Change: From Here to Diversity online conference

Promoting and delivering an inclusive work environment is crucial for fostering a positive culture, improving the wellbeing of staff and generating productive outcomes. Over the past few years, more and more charities are committing to EEDI (equity, equality, diversity, inclusion) and taking steps to become fully diverse and inclusive, which is fantastic news for the sector. 
