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26 Feb 2013 - 22:52 by walt.crowson

When the Work Programme was first introduced as part of the new Welfare to Work agenda the LSEN organised a number of meetings, seminars and events to inform voluntary organisations about the opportunities and risks of getting involved in the Programme as a sub-contractor.

It became clear, early on in these discussions, that the Programme did not recognise the difficulties many people at a distance from the labour market would find in re-engaging in sustained employment.

In the end very few voluntary organisations were able to engage with the Programme and those that did were...

25 Feb 2013 - 21:38 by walt.crowson

The Department for Communities and Local Government recently launched a competition to discover and support organisations that can deliver community-based English language programmes in the following identified areas of the North West

Bradford, Kirklees, Blackburn with Darwen, Hyndburn, Oldham, Manchester, Rochdale, Pendle

This competition is open to all organisations and further information can be found at:


31 Jan 2013 - 08:56 by cormac.lawler

This week, LSEN hosted a meeting about Community Learning in Manchester. It was the third such meeting, and took place in the impressive and inspiring surroundings of Gorton Monastery. Over 30 people attended from a wide variety of sectors and organisations around Manchester.

Walt Crowson gave a background to this series of community learning meetings, and updated on ongoing work in the key...

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23 Jan 2013 - 15:50 by nicola.shanahan

Hello Everyone,

I’m sure some of you will have heard that I will be leaving Macc at the end of this week. I’m off to pastures new (and cold) where I will be completing my Applied Psychologist training for children and young people in Glasgow. I’m very much looking forward to the new challenges this will bring.

I have really enjoyed the last three years at Macc working in a sector that is constantly evolving and striving to improve outcomes for children, young people and families in a difficult and challenging environment.

I would like to thank all the...

23 Jan 2013 - 11:51 by cormac.lawler

In LSEN, we're quite excited at the moment about Open Badges as a means of promoting and strengthening informal and learner-led learning.

Open Badges are a way of accrediting learning, skills and achievements - both big and small. They also allow accreditation to be granted outside of traditional institutional pathways. Virtually any organisation or individual can issue a badge, about virtually anything.

Learners fulfil...

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17 Jan 2013 - 19:31 by Mike Wild

Yesterday morning I went to the briefing where the City Council announced their budget plans for the next 2 years. The key message is bleak: beyond the £170m cut from the Council’s annual budget in 2011, they now have to cut a further £80m per year. Manchester, it was said, has been hit hardest out of all the boroughs in Greater Manchester and out of all the major cities outside London.

I don’t envy any of the Councillors or officers who had to do all the work to pull the proposals together. Never mind the brain-mashing complexity of local government financial models, cutting back...

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21 Dec 2012 - 09:40 by nicola.shanahan


Recently I attended a neglect summit organised by Manchester Safeguarding Children Board. A summit seems like a heady title but felt fitting for the task at hand. The summit was facilitated by Professor Jan Howarth who is working with several LSCB’s around issues of neglect and has led several research projects and written books on multi-agency approaches to neglect.

Neglect remains the highest category of child abuse in Manchester with well over half of all children subject to a child protection plan falling into this category. Neglect consistently arises as an area of...

3 Dec 2012 - 18:38 by ross.grant

So, it’s out. The specification for Youth Fund 2013-15 (R3) is now out there; if you’ve not seen it yet then go to: www.manchestercommunitycentral.org/manchester-youth-fund-and-play-fund-2..., where you will find all the documentation and how to get support.

There’s lots of ways in which Youth Fund Round 3 is an evolution from previous rounds. The Council has demonstrated a willingness not just to listen, by way of the July Consultation, and the VCFS Reference Group in November, but...

29 Nov 2012 - 10:44 by mary.duncan


This is a reminder from Neil Bendel (Public Health Manchester) The deadline for submitting suggested topic themes for the refreshed Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) is Friday December 7th.
There are additional areas tabled for consideration from the Director of Public Health :

  • TB in children
  • Transport/Active travel
  • Early detection/prevention of cancer
  • Alcohol
  • Diabetes
  • End of Life Care
  • The JSNA team are also putting together proposals on sensory health issues.


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28 Nov 2012 - 12:15 by cormac.lawler

Recently, Walt and I participated in the Annual Conference and AGM of the Educational Centres Association (ECA), held in Leicester. The ECA supports LSEN in our work, and is a key educational organisation at a national and European level, which has been putting the learner at the centre of education for very-nearly 100 years.

York educational settlement, c 1938
York educational settlement, circa 1938 (I didn't take any photos of the recent meeting...

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