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All Older People

Join the Macc Board of Trustees

5 Mar 2013 - 17:32 by michelle.foster

Passionate about Manchester?
Want to help local charities make a difference in the city?

Macc is looking for committed and caring people to get involved in shaping the future of our work to support and develop a thriving voluntary, community and faith sector in Manchester. Our role includes:

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CRB Changes from September 2012

24 Jan 2013 - 11:31 by nicola.shanahan

 This voluntary sector briefing paper is aimed at managers who are responsible for safe staffing within voluntary sector organisations. It will also be of interest to practitioners (including volunteers) working with children, young people and families. It is designed to inform you of the current changes to CRB systems and to highlight key messages for voluntary sector organisations. The First part of this document refers to children and young people. The second part of this document refers to adults.

The Silver Line Helpline - Update on progress

21 Jan 2013 - 11:18 by michelle.foster

In November last year The Silver Line pilot was launched in Manchester. This is a helpline which provides three functions to support older people:

• a sign-posting service to link them into the many, varied services that exist in their area;
• a befriending service to combat loneliness;
• and a means of empowering those who may be suffering abuse and neglect, if appropriate to transfer them to specialist services to protect them from harm.

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Esther Rantzen launches Help Line for Older Peopel

26 Nov 2012 - 14:49 by mary.duncan

Esther Rantzen, Chair of the Silver Line Trustees, together with officers from the Manchester City Council, today launched the Helpline for older people in Manchester. The telephone number is:

0800 328 8888 for advice, information and friendship.

The concerns raised in our previous blog were partly answered:

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Manchester Helpline for Older People

21 Nov 2012 - 15:06 by mary.duncan

The Silver Line – helpline for Older People
This will be a pilot for three months in Manchester and the Isle of Man. The pilots are funded through Comic Relief. Depending on the outcome of these pilots the Trustees hope to launch a National Helpline by the Summer 2013.Esther Rantzen is Chair of the Trustees. The Helpline is for older people (no age limit) in the area, who seek information, advice and friendship.

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Welfare Reform and Advice Support

9 Nov 2012 - 11:37 by Mike Wild

One of the dangers for me in writing a blog is that I'll end up writing only about things I'm angry about (there seems to be quite a lot at the moment) and it will become a terribly depressing read. However, I'm not going to apologise for the bleak picture I'm about to paint because it's what's really happening to people in our communities.

Impact of Welfare Reform - Report from CLES & Manchester CAB

9 Nov 2012 - 11:34 by Mike Wild

A report produced by Manchester CAB and the Centre for Local Economic Strategies on the impact in Manchester of the changes being made to welfare benefits, access to advice services and legal aid.

A summary version and the full report are both available to download below.

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UK Older People’s Day 1 October 2012 - Online Survey

31 Aug 2012 - 10:24 by michelle.foster

This year’s UK Older People’s Day is about sharing skills and experience within your own age group or different generations. So, take time out of your day to celebrate the contribution older people make in your communities. On this Older People’s Day do something different and join in the ‘Big Skill Share’.

The Beth Johnson Foundation would like to invite everyone who is over the age of 50, and your older network members (50+), to take part in a short survey to help them collect information on the 2012 UK Older People’s Day theme of ‘Big Skills Share’.

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