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All Older People

Rusholme Social-cafe

16 Jan 2015 - 11:47 by michelle.foster

Rusholme Social-cafe is a relaxed and supportive community space to meet-up, enjoy a range of activities including baking, crafts and community organising training. It takes place at Birch Community Centre, Brighton Grove (off Wilmslow Rd and Dickenson Rd) M18 7BG. It is a short walk from many bus routes from Wilmslow Rd and the 53 route connecting Salford and East Manchester.

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Radio Training for the Over 60's

13 Jan 2015 - 10:16 by cheryl.mcalister

In January and February, ALLFM is running a radio training project for people over 60. The project will train older people in radio production & broadcast, leading a live show. The training will culminate in a live 1 hour broadcast on ALL FM 96.9 by the participants. And it’s free.

A show for older people by older people

Additionally ALLFM will offer all the participants the opportunity to become volunteers at ALL FM with the aim of them hosting a regular show aimed at older people in the community.

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Age-friendly Manchester Small Grants Fund – deadline 30 Jan 2015

4 Dec 2014 - 11:26 by michelle.foster

The Age-friendly Manchester Small Grants Fund supports local groups with grants of up to £300, focusing on projects that reduce social isolation and loneliness.

The Grants Panel have awarded over 50 grants to groups across the City in 2014.

The Panel are welcoming applications for grants for sustainable community projects that improve neighbourhoods and services for older people.

For an application pack, email Matthew Youngson, at: [email protected],

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Manchester City Council consultation launched on 2015-17 budget options – deadline 18 Feb 2014

27 Nov 2014 - 09:38 by michelle.foster

Manchester City Council has launched the main consultation on its 2015-17 budget options, along with a number of individual consultations on specific elements.

Options for consultation were agreed by the council’s Executive on Wednesday 26 November.

They aim to address an estimated funding shortfall of £59m in 2015/16, potentially rising to £90 million in 2016/17.

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Today We Are Angry, Tomorrow We Must Talk

12 Nov 2014 - 15:23 by Mike Wild

A lot of people in the local voluntary sector are going to be very angry today. They’re going to feel threatened, undervalued, rejected and hopeless. The Council’s budget proposals will make horrible reading for many people who’ve been working very hard for a long time to make a difference in the city. For some groups this will mean cuts to services and activities. For many it will mean many job losses – the sector is an employer too, after all. For some this may be the last straw and we may see the end of a number of organisations that have made a great contribution to the city.

New Housing Strategy for Older People – ‘Living Longer, Living Better - Housing for an Age-friendly Manchester’

10 Oct 2014 - 09:52 by michelle.foster

This is a key strategy for Manchester – the UK’s first Age Friendly City. It sets out how housing for older people will develop over the coming years and what action is needed to be taken now. It links to how care and health services will be provided for the older population. It describes how Manchester can build to make the city an attractive place for people to grow older, living as independently as possible.

All of the documents relating to the consultation are available on the website to be read or printed.

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Living Longer, Living Better – Housing for an Age-Friendly Manchester

18 Sep 2014 - 11:28 by michelle.foster

Do you want to help make Manchester a better place to live?

Here’s a great opportunity to shape the future of the city’s homes and housing services.

Manchester City Council are developing a new Housing Strategy for Older People – “Living Longer, Living Better - Housing for an Age Friendly Manchester”.

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Consultation on Advocacy Services in Manchester

20 Aug 2014 - 13:44 by Nigel Rose

Manchester City Council is holding meetings on Tuesday 2 September 2014 and Friday 26 September 2014 to consult on proposals for a new Advocacy Hub.

The Care Act 2014 requires the City Council to provide independent advocacy for those who may have difficulty understanding and participating in the assessment process. An advocate provides support to an individual to help them express their needs and wishes, secure their rights, represent their interests and obtain the care and support they need

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