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Bupa UK Foundation Caring for Carers Funding Programme

15 Jul 2016 - 10:46 by michelle.foster

Across the UK around 7 million people are unpaid carers, supporting a family member or friend who is older, disabled or seriously ill. It is likely that the majority of people will take on caring responsibilities at some point in their lives. Unpaid carers make a vital, hidden contribution to the health and wellbeing of the nation. However, carers are often under significant pressure and many find that caring can take its toll on their own health.

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Cast your vote for the Best Community Space Spirit of Manchester Award 2016

1 Jul 2016 - 12:32 by michelle.foster

Voting is now open to vote for the Best Community Space Spirit of Manchester Award 2016.

Award criteria
A community space can be a piece of land or a building available for use by the community. Organisations needed to show:
• Best use of a community space
• How the space is seen as central within the community
• The impact it has within the local community

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Care Quality Commission Older People's campaign

1 Apr 2016 - 10:47 by michelle.foster

On 29 March the Care Quality Commission (CQC)launched a campaign to encourage older people and their loved ones to feedback about the quality of health and social care they have received.

CQC are encouraging older people to feedback on their care, as research has shown that older people are far less likely to complain about services and are less aware of the ways they can share their views.

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Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Devolution

25 Feb 2016 - 19:19 by Mike Wild

Note: this "conversation" has now closed but we're leaving the page here so the information is still available.

Could you give us 10 minutes to talk about health?

As part of Greater Manchester’s Devolution agenda, for the first time Greater Manchester is taking control of £6 billion of public funding for health and social care from April 2016.

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Building a Healthy Future in Retirement research - Help shape Manchester Mind’s new wellbeing course for people in retirement

24 Feb 2016 - 11:52 by michelle.foster

Have you recently retired and are finding the transition trickier than anticipated? Did you retire a while ago and are finding it less than rewarding? Are you retired and struggling with your mood? Perhaps you’re coming up to retirement this year?

Manchester Mind is looking for people willing to help shape their 6-week long free wellbeing in retirement course.

You can take part in a focus group in March or fill out a short online questionnaire, at: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/3LHWJVT

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Manchester City Council adopt Older People's Charter

4 Dec 2015 - 11:18 by michelle.foster

Age-friendly Manchester are very happy to announce that a motion was passed at the meeting of Council on 18 November to adopt the Older People's Charter.

This is a fantastic early milestone for the Charter following the launch on 1st October and marks the beginning of what Age-friendly Manchester intend to achieve across the city.

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Ambition for Ageing Local Delivery Leads sought for Bury, Rochdale and Salford

20 Nov 2015 - 10:44 by michelle.foster

The Ambition for Ageing programme will be delivered by a cross-sector partnership, led by GMCVO and funded by the Big Lottery Fund. Local Delivery Leads (LDLs) will lead on the work in 24 wards across 8 local authorities in Greater Manchester.

LDLs for Bolton, Manchester, Oldham, Tameside and Wigan were appointed in October 2015.

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Sign up to an age-Friendly Manchester

9 Oct 2015 - 11:51 by michelle.foster

International Older People's day was on 1 October. To mark this day, Age-Friendly Manchester have launched an Age-Friendly Manchester Older People’s Charter.

Age-Friendly Manchester want to make Manchester a better place to grow older and in turn improve the lives of older people. The Charter reinforces the principles required to make this happen.

This aim can only be fulfilled if the people, groups and organisations in the city give their support and pledge to do things, big or small, that make Manchester more age-friendly and better for older people.

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