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All Older People

Older Artist Commission - Whitworth Art Gallery

10 Sep 2019 - 15:05 by shanna.lennon

Can you connect art, ageing and place? What does being an older artist in todays society mean to you?

The Whitworth is looking for an older (50+) artist from any discipline to help us to rethink the position of older artists in our society and shape our organizational approach to working with older emerging artists.

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The Lancaster Playwriting Prize

30 Aug 2019 - 10:33 by michelle.foster

Lancasyer Playwriting PrizeThe Lancaster Playwriting Prize is an initiative arising out of the cultural partnership between Lancaster University and The Dukes Theatre, Lancaster; it is supported by Lucy Briers. The Prize aims to discover new voices from a diverse range of backgrounds; each year, it has different entry criteria in order to reach underserved playwrights.

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Population Health Fund: Older People’s Fund – opportunities to work in partnership in Manchester’s 12 neighbourhoods

23 Aug 2019 - 11:29 by michelle.foster

Manchester Health and Care Commissioning and Manchester City CouncilAs you may already know, Manchester Health and Care Commissioning (MHCC) in partnership with Manchester City Council (MCC) are launching a Population Health Fund which is split into an Older People’s Fund and a Fund for the First 1000 Days of a Child’s Life.

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Manchester Work and Skills – North Manchester Over 50’s in to Employment Pilot

23 Aug 2019 - 11:22 by michelle.foster

Manchester City CouncilThe North Manchester Over 50’s into Employment Pilot is a test and learn project to deliver a bespoke service to support over 50’s residents who have been long term unemployed to enable them to move closer to the labour market or into employment.

The geographical focus is North Manchester with a specific focus on Miles Platting/Newton Heath Ward.

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Spirit of Manchester Story Week 2019 – Climate Emergency

6 Aug 2019 - 13:46 by michelle.foster

Are you a Manchester voluntary, community and social enterprise sector organisation? Would you like to share a story of your activity to tackle the climate emergency, as part of the 2019 Spirit of Manchester Story Week in September?

Spirit of Manchester Story Week 2019 - Climate emergency

We are looking for 20 VCSE organisations to share their stories during the week of 23-27 September.

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The Queen's Award for Voluntary Service: 2019 Awardees

25 Jul 2019 - 11:41 by michelle.foster

The Queen's Award for Voluntary Service is the highest award given to local volunteer groups across the UK to recognise outstanding work done in their own communities. It was created in 2002 to celebrate the anniversary of The Queen's coronation. It is the MBE for volunteer groups. Queen's Award for Voluntary Service

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Celebrating 100 years of Social Action

22 Jul 2019 - 13:48 by michelle.foster

A tale of two cities

Monday 22 July 2019 marks 100 years (to the day) of the formation of Manchester and Salford Council of Social Service. Macc, Salford CVS and Gaddum have worked together to mark the occasion with a celebratory event at the People’s History Museum. We felt it is important to mark 100 years of social action across the twin cities of Salford and Manchester.

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Age-friendly Neighbourhood Challenge

19 Jul 2019 - 10:22 by michelle.foster

The Mayor of Greater Manchester, Andy Burnham, has issued the second round of his Age-Friendly Neighbourhoods Challenge to make Greater Manchester the best place in the UK to grow older. Ambition for Ageing

Through this challenge it will find practical examples of what age-friendly really means and share best practice across the city region.

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James Thomas Blair Charity – grants to support older people

8 Jul 2019 - 12:22 by michelle.foster

The purpose of the James Thomas Blair Charity is to provide support to older people living in Manchester and Salford. The support may be of a financial, social or medical nature.

Who may apply?
Any registered charities or voluntary organisations providing assistance to older people who live within the 32 wards of Manchester or 20 wards of Salford.

What do James Thomas Blair Charity support?

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