Cast your vote for the Best Community Space Spirit of Manchester Award 2016

Voting is now open to vote for the Best Community Space Spirit of Manchester Award 2016.

Award criteria
A community space can be a piece of land or a building available for use by the community. Organisations needed to show:
• Best use of a community space
• How the space is seen as central within the community
• The impact it has within the local community

• Friends of Angel Meadow
• Growing in the city
• The LGBT Centre
• LGBT Foundation’s Community Resource Centre
• Merseybank Estate Group
• Whitemoss Club for Young People

Voting opened on 1 July 2016 and closes on 31 July 2016

The Best Community Space Award is supported by Adactus Housing Group.

The winner will be invited to attend the Spirit of Manchester Awards 2016 Ceremony to receive their award. The film of the winning Best Community Space, made by our Community Reporters, will be shown on the night.