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ACAS: Handling an employee grievance

It is important that all employee grievances are handled correctly. Failure to do so can lead to unnecessary and costly litigation. 

If an employer does not  comply with the Acas Code of Practice on disciplinary and grievance procedures, it could lead to an uplift of 25% in an employment tribunal award.

A well handled grievance can provide valuable insight, alerting employers to problems in the workplace and giving them the opportunity to resolve issues without further conflict escalating. 

8 August, 2024 - 09:30 to 12:30

ACAS: Managing a disciplinary procedure

The law requires employers to act reasonably in their discipline of employees. Incorrectly handled processes can lead to unnecessary and costly litigation, with employment tribunals able to adjust awards by up to 25% for failure to comply with the provisions of the Acas Code of Practice on discipline and grievance.

This event will provide an overview of the Code, with a focus on discipline and the minimum requirements when handling disciplinary procedures. 

13 August, 2024 - 09:30 to 12:30

Charity Digital: How to lower your digital carbon footprint webinar

More than four in five charities say they are concerned about the impacts of climate change, making it more critical that they take steps to address it, including lowering their carbon footprint. While recycling and taking public transport are familiar tactics for reducing emissions, the carbon footprint of digital technology, however, is often underestimated, despite being comparable to that of the aviation industry. 

15 August, 2024 - 13:00 to 14:00
Shared Topic Areas: 

Third Sector Lab: Creating with Canva for non-profits

Canva is a free-to-use online graphic design tool which can be used to create presentations, graphics, simple videos and other marketing materials.

This workshop will cover how you can make use of Canva to create professional-looking graphics and resources using Canva. We’ll look at the tools available, how they work as well as the templates that are available to help kickstart your digital design projects.

What you’ll take away from this workshop:

27 August, 2024 - 11:00 to 12:30
Shared Topic Areas: 

Third Sector Lab: Creating and managing effective charity email campaigns using Mailchimp

Mailchimp is an email marketing platform designed to help you manage mailing lists and create email marketing campaigns. In this session, we’ll cover the basics of keeping a tidy and compliant Mailchimp account, an overview of how to create and design your first campaign and the tools provided by Mailchimp to help you analyse your campaigns.

What you’ll take away from this workshop:

8 August, 2024 - 11:30 to 12:30
Shared Topic Areas: 

NCVO: Charity trustee induction and refresher (2 days)

This course will give trustees an overview and understanding of charity governance, regulation and best practice

By the end of the training, you'll: 

  • understand what governance and trusteeship are
  • know who trustees are and what they do
  • understand the personal liabilities of trustees and the protection available
  • be able to identify and implement principles of good charity governance
  • know how to govern and work with your fellow trustees to agree ways of working as a board.

Day 1: Wednesday 21 August 13:30-16:30

21 August, 2024 - 13:30 to 22 August, 2024 - 13:00
Shared Topic Areas: 

NCVO: Safeguarding essentials for trustees

This introductory course explains the key trustee responsibilities for safeguarding, following guidance from the Charity Commission

Safeguarding is a fundame ntal part of operating as a charity for the public benefit. Trustees must take reasonable steps to protect people who come into contact with th eir charity from harm.

This course will help trustees embed safeguarding in their governance. The course also explores common safeguarding risks trustees should be aware of, and how to manage personal behaviour and relationships.

By the end of the training, you'll: 

21 August, 2024 - 10:00 to 13:00
Shared Topic Areas: 
