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Get ready, the GM Workforce and Recruitment Hubs are coming

1 Feb 2024 - 10:23 by michelle.foster

We're all trying to make Greater Manchester a place where people can be healthy, happy, and live fulfilling lives. The way we run our organisations can make a real difference to the VCSE sector staff's health and well-being. So, we're creating a space to share best practices, collaborate on work, and support each other. GM workforce hub strengthening the VCSE sector

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Greater Manchester Community Grants: Strand 2 – Progression towards inclusive employment

30 Jan 2024 - 16:48 by michelle.foster

WEA (Workers Educational Association) and GMCA (Greater Manchester Combined Authority) are pleased to launch the first round of funding, across 2 strands, for the £5m GMCA Community Grants Programme. WEA adult learning withing reach

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Community Health Equity Manchester Grant Programme 2024

29 Jan 2024 - 09:23 by michelle.foster

Health Equity is when everyone can reach their full health and wellbeing potential without unfair differences. Manchester City Council know from their research that some communities who already experience discrimination and disadvantage are also more likely to experience worse health outcomes. Manchester City Council

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Alternative Women's Economy — New women's collective in Manchester

24 Jan 2024 - 09:23 by michelle.foster

AWE is the Alternative Women’s Economy. A dynamic network of women in and around the Greater Manchester area taking control of the narrative, creating a common voice to affect the policies that impact marginalised, low-income, working-class, Black and Minority Ethnic women and call for change. An orange background with outlines of women

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Time to Talk Day 2024: Let’s talk about mental health on Thursday 1 February

19 Jan 2024 - 09:29 by michelle.foster

Run by Mind and Rethink Mental Illness, in partnership with the Co-op, the nation’s biggest mental health conversation returns for 2024.

Local mental health charity Manchester Mind will be marking the day and encouraging people to have conversations with family, friends, or colleagues about mental health.
Sometimes it’s easier to tell people we’re ‘fine’ than it is to say how we really feel. Many people do not feel able to talk openly for fear of judgement.

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Communities and Equalities Scrutiny Committee - Tuesday 9th January 2024

18 Jan 2024 - 09:35 by josephine.mcmeeking

Communities and Equalities Scrutiny Committee

Date: Tuesday 9th of January

Time: 2pm

Location: Council Chamber, Level 2, Town Hall Extension

On Tuesday the 9th of January the committee scrutinised the following public reports:

Crime and Policing Report of Greater Manchester Police

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