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John Grant Davies Trust

23 Nov 2012 - 09:25 by michelle.foster

The John Grant Davies Trust provides funding for groups based in areas of urban deprivation in Greater Manchester and which are combating poverty and empowering local people to help in their own community.

Grants are normally made between the values of £100 and £3,000. However, an exceptional application may receive a greater amount of funding.

Applications for revenue funding over a period of up to three years will also be considered.

Voluntary and community groups working in the most deprived areas of Greater Manchester are eligible to apply.

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Do you want to help improve the lives of young people in Manchester?

22 Nov 2012 - 17:11 by ross.grant

Do you want to be involved in running a vibrant organisation that supports the many wonderful organisations that provide services for our young people? Voluntary Youth Manchester is seeking new trustees to support its development over the next 3 years. We have a helpful information pack put together by a former Chair, and the opportunity to ask questions or discuss any issues with the current VYM Chair. If you are interested, or know someone who is, please contact us at [email protected].

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22 Nov 2012 - 16:00 by ross.grant

Hi, and welcome to the new VYM Blog. Although this is entered as Ross’s blog, VYM is much more than Ross Grant, but more of that later. In particular though, it is also Sarah Gilston, VYM’s much valued Communication Support Worker, without whom you would receive very limited communication from VYM, and there's the Board of Trustees that governs and supports VYM staff.

Communities in Focus Photo competition

22 Nov 2012 - 14:20 by michelle.foster

Big Lottery Fund (BIG) has teamed up with national communications charity Media Trust, and Northcliffe Digital's Thisis and localpeople community news sites to find inspiring images of communities and Big Lottery Fund projects making a difference.

Upload your photos showing how your BIG-funded project is making a positive difference for a chance to win a Canon D-SLR camera and two places on a photography training course. BIG-funded projects should enter the Big Lottery Fund Project category. All entries must be supplied with a caption explaining what the photo shows.

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Manchester Helpline for Older People

21 Nov 2012 - 15:06 by mary.duncan

The Silver Line – helpline for Older People
This will be a pilot for three months in Manchester and the Isle of Man. The pilots are funded through Comic Relief. Depending on the outcome of these pilots the Trustees hope to launch a National Helpline by the Summer 2013.Esther Rantzen is Chair of the Trustees. The Helpline is for older people (no age limit) in the area, who seek information, advice and friendship.

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Volunteering Support Agency - Annual Evaluation Questionnaire

16 Nov 2012 - 14:57 by michelle.foster

How Are We Doing?
If you have worked with a Greater Manchester Volunteer Centre over the last 12 months, you can complete the online 8 question survey at: www.surveymonkey.com/s/SZX5359 to give your feedback.

This will help inform Volunteering Greater Manchester of the quality of services provided by Volunteer Centres to the sector and ways in which these may be improved.

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Ending Youth Violence in East Manchester Small Grants Programme

16 Nov 2012 - 14:11 by michelle.foster

The East Manchester Ending Youth Violence Small Grants Programme will provide funding for voluntary, community and faith organisations working with young people in the East Manchester SRF area.

The grants will support work with young people who are involved in youth violence or are at risk of becoming involved.

Grants of up to £3,000 are available for activities and support for 13-25 year olds from the East Manchester SRF area to be delivered before 31 March 2013.

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