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Money Talks

8 Apr 2019 - 20:19 by Mike Wild

Recently I had a very nice letter inviting me to write for a publication (quite high status) and a follow-up phone conversation to explore further. In the course of this, the London-based publisher emphasised that wanting to reach outside their heavily London-focused circle was a big priority for them. Who can guess the next bit of the conversation?

Manchester BME Network /National Heritage Lottery Fund Capacity Support – new cohort

21 Mar 2019 - 12:26 by michelle.foster

The Manchester BME Network (MBME) Network will soon be starting their third capacity support cohort with the National Heritage Lottery Fund. This project aims to help members who are ready or are very serious about applying for a Heritage Grant. Manchester BME Network

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A ‘call out’ to the BME community to assist with a photographic campaign to raise awareness of prostate cancer

8 Mar 2019 - 10:45 by michelle.foster

This is a call out to the BEM/BAME community for individuals that have gone through prostate cancer/investigation journey.

Ian Smith is a freelance photographer, and, looking to continue/develop his work surrounding the awareness and early diagnosis of prostate cancer. To continue his work, Ian would like to invite subjects with a lived experience of prostate cancer, or, prostate investigation.

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Manchester BME Network – Love Our City

21 Feb 2019 - 10:43 by michelle.foster

Love Our City is a project funded through RadEqual, Manchester City Council. The RadEqual programme is based on rethinking radicalisation and recognising the challenges relating to our collective understanding of prejudice, hate and extremism which are all very complex issues. The programme recognises that part of the solutions to these big issues has to involve people and the places where they live. Manchester BME Network

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The Spotlight Fund – new funding for work with refugees and people seeking asylum

11 Jan 2019 - 10:01 by michelle.foster

The Oglesby Charitable Trust is launching a new £275,000 fund focused on supporting people who are refugees or seeking asylum in the North West of England. The Oglesny Charitable Trust

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Windrush Day Grants – apply by 21 January 2019

7 Dec 2018 - 11:29 by michelle.foster

The Government has announced the launch of a new funding pot for projects that will celebrate and commemorate the Windrush Generation and their contribution to the country. Windrush Day, which will take place on 22 June 2019, will be the focal point of these projects. gov.uk

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Refugee Week leadership project

9 Nov 2018 - 09:56 by michelle.foster

This is a new opportunity for emerging leaders from refugee backgrounds to support the production of Refugee Week 2019. Refugee Week

Funded by Ben and Jerry’s Foundation, the new Refugee Week leadership project aims to ensure the perspectives and expertise of people who have experienced displacement are at the heart of Refugee Week.

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Manchester Spirit Walks with Europia

7 Nov 2018 - 14:48 by michelle.foster

With Brexit fast approaching, it’s important to find creative ways of connecting the communities and individuals to the place they live in. Europia know that when individuals feel connected to the city they live in there is more pride, less fear, more familiarity, which leads to confidence to make use of what best the city has to offer them. This is why Europia decided to organise 5 city centre walks which will cover sites connected with the growth of Manchester as the world’s first industrial city and its importance as a centre for peace and radical political activity.

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