People/communities experiencing racial inequalities

Taste Ramadan

You’re invited to be a guest at an Iftar dinner (a celebratory meal to break the fast) hosted by your local mosque.

Taste Ramadan is a Greater Manchester initiative that welcomes people from all faiths and backgrounds interested in connecting with the community and learning about other cultures. Share in the blessings, build bonds and explore different cultures this Ramadan.

Free Singing Workshops

Thanks to Forever Manchester funding, African arts organisation, Amani Creatives are offering local residents the opportunity to join a new, international community choir celebrating friendship and connection between local people.

Weekly singing workshops will lead towards a performance at the Amani Festival, accompanied by a professional African band.

All welcome. No previous experience needed.

To find out more, join Amani Creatives on Monday 5 June at 6pm at Simson memorial Hall, 361 Moston Lane, M40 9NB.

Guest Blog: A Caring Manchester

I'm delighted to share a blog written by Dr Sohail Munshi, reflecting on the response to the events at the MEN Arena this week. (Click here to read Macc's response)

I’ve never written a blog before so this is a first.

Information and Helplines for Manchester Arena Incident

We have pulled together a range of information collected so far about the additional support local charities & community organisations are offering in the aftermath of the events.
Scroll down to the foot of the page to view the updates.


Helplines and official contact information


GE2017: 3 things your organisation can do

So, here we are again.

Among the many questions raised by last year's EU Referendum, is whether charities and voluntary organisations and social enterprises were too quiet in the debate. I'd say this was definitely the case.

Getting help for forgetfulness – Encouraging timely help-seeking for dementia in Black African and Caribbean families

Black African and Caribbean elders develop dementia earlier than their White counterparts, but often delay help-seeking until crisis point. Delaying help-seeking has negative effects on future outcomes for patients and carers as it reduces access to treatment, care and support, independent living, and quality of life.

Just Psychology and Survivors Manchester are recruiting Cultural Consultants

Would you like to help people and servoces understand your culture and community. Just Psychology / Survivors Manchester

Just Psychology, in partnership with Survivors Manchester, are looking to recruit Cultural Consultants from Chinese, Somali and Eastern European communities.

Rewriting the DNA of Health and Care (Episode IV: A New Hope?)

You know that game where you have to pick the people, living or dead, you’d most like to have round a dinner table? Being a bit of an ideas geek, I have a similar thing about who I’d like to hear speak at my dream conference. I’m lucky that I occasionally get to hear some brilliant speakers from the world of charities and social enterprises.

Big Lottery Celebrate Event: Manchester BME Network Awards

The Manchester BME Network are excited to announce that they will be having a Manchester BME Network awards ceremony to showcase and reward the fantastic work being done by Manchester BME Networktheir members and supporters. There will be a community meal first followed by entertainment, awards and a raffle (proceeds will go to the Sylvia Sham Legacy Fund).