Crime and Disorder

User Voice Engagement Team Member for the Cheshire and Greater Manchester area

User VoiceUser Voice is a national independent service user led charity and takes feedback from current service users accessing prison and probation services about their experiences of being on probation/prison and the services that are delivered to them.

RADEQUAL 2020-21 Grant funding is now open for expressions of interest

RadequalRADEQUAL is Manchester's campaign co designed with communities to build community resilience. The focus of this round of Grant funding (2020-21) is 'Building Community Resilience to Hateful Extremism'.

RADEQUAL define hateful extremism as ideas, attitudes and behaviours that are hateful towards specific ‘others’ and designed to undermine social cohesion.

Join Greater Manchester’s Independent Police Ethics Committee

Modern policing wrestles with ethical dilemmas every day. Could you play a part in helping the police negotiate challenging, complex and sometimes controversial issues by joining Greater Manchester’s Independent Police Ethics Committee?

The committee is seeking new members to provide advice, support and guidance to GMP and the Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime on the complex ethical issues that face modern policing.

Recruiting volunteers with a criminal history survey

SurveyBolton CVS are currently running the Giving Back in Bolton project and are working hard to develop best practice guidance for volunteering organisations so that people with criminal records are fairly represented in volunteering opportunities.

You can help by completing the short survey here

Independent Review of Prevent - Call for evidence

Gov.ukDuring the passage of the Counter Terrorism and Border Security Act 2019, the government committed to carrying out an independent Review of Prevent. Lord Carlile was appointed as the reviewer on 12 August 2019. Lord Carlile, a life peer and former barrister, has over 10 years of experience in Counter Terrorism related legislation. 

On the Out shout out for phones

On the OutDoes anyone have any old phones lurking that they don`t want, however basic?

On the Out are a support service helping people as they are released from prison. A basic phone helps a person keep in touch with services and their support network. All numbers and sims to be removed, On the Out just need the handset.

If you can help, contact Helen on 0745 280 9664.

UP are recruiting Directors for its Board

UP.UP grew out of WHAG, a charity that began life as Women’s Housing Aid Group in 1981.

Together, WHAG and UP think that prevention is better than cure. One in four women and one in six men will be victims of domestic abuse. In every reception class, at least one child will have been living with domestic abuse since they were born.

UP are currently recruiting Directors to support in the delivery an ambitious business plan to take them to 2021.

Developing a Health and Justice Strategy for Greater Manchester

Developing a health and justice strategy for GMPoor health is something that impacts both victims of crime and offenders. From learning disabilities to drug addiction to poor mental health, there are a surprising number of health problems that make you more likely to be a victim of crime or an offender.

HM Prison and Probation Service launches its grant funding programme for 2020-2022

HM Prison and Probation ServiceVoluntary organisations working in the criminal justice system are now able to apply for funding through the HM Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS) grant programme for 2020-2022. The programme aims to enable voluntary organisations to contribute to better outcomes for people in prisons, under probation supervision and youth custody services.