Crime and Disorder

Have your say - the future of policing and community safety

Andy Burnham, Mayor of Greater Manchester is currently developing a new police and crime plan which will set the strategic direction for the police and other organisations with responsibilities for keeping communities safe. The name of the draft plan is ‘Standing Together: A Plan for police, community safety, criminal justice services and citizens in Greater Manchester’ which reflects the range of people and organisations working together to keep us safe.

Break The Silence – Breaking down barriers to referral

Yaran and Survivors are currently working together to offer support to BAME male survivors of sexual abuse, rape and sexual exploitation. Break the silence

They provide 1:1 confidential IAPT compliant counselling and psychotherapy to help men over the age of 18 to work through difficult, personal and sometimes painful issues. They assist them beyond the trauma and through their own unique healing process.

Trapped Campaign – The criminal exploitation of children and adults

Police, local authorities, Greater Manchester Combined Authority, young people and an MP have launched a campaign to stop criminal gangs from grooming children and vulnerable adults to commit crime.

The campaign, known as ‘Trapped’, aims to raise awareness of criminals who are grooming and exploiting children and young adults to commit crime on their behalf.
Offenders take victims from urban areas to the countryside or coastal areas to sell drugs. Sometimes victims are trafficked closer to home, and are moved around Greater Manchester.

Home Office consultation on the criteria for designating bodies in the police super-complaints system

The Policing and Crime Act 2017 includes provisions for the introduction of a new policing super-complaints system. The Home Office knows that systems have, in the past, sometimes been too slow in capturing major issues, such as widespread child sexual abuse or the misuse of stop and search. Complementing wider reforms to the individual complaints system, the Government committed to bring in a ground-breaking system of police super-complaints. Home Office

Research into the problem of drug related litter in Manchester

In early 2017, Manchester City Council’s Population Health and Wellbeing Team commissioned researchers at Manchester Metropolitan University to undertake a piece of research on nature and prevalence of drug related litter in Manchester. The research aims to increase the knowledge and understanding around drug related litter, and provide recommendations on how to reduce or stop incidents through appropriate service development and provision.

Administration Support/Customer Service Apprentice at Greater Manchester Police

Apprentices perform a vital role within Greater Manchester Police (GMP), providing excellent customer service and administrative support to members of the public, GMP colleagues and partners. Greater Manchester Police

The vacancies are across a number of departments and GMP sites in Greater Manchester. Successful applicants will work alongside police officers and staff in a range of specialist policing support teams.

Hate Crime Awareness grants - deadline 24 November 2017

We hope that you find all the information you need over the next few pages. Good luck with your application. Let's end Hate Crime

Hate crime has no place in Manchester. Everyone has the right to feel safe and we all have a responsibility to stand against hatred and discrimination. This has always been important and even more so following the attack on the MEN Arena.

Knife Crime Community Fund

Apply by 31 October 2017 for funding to stop knife crime in your community. The fund has been set up to support community projects which reduce knife crime and have a positive impact on young people at risk of carrying a knife and committing crime. The fund is open to voluntary and community sector groups and the Home Office has made £500,000 available in 2017 to 2018. Home Office

Grant to address Forced Marriage and Honour Based Violence and Abuse in the Community

As part of its continued commitment to raising awareness, reducing and ultimately preventing Forced Marriage/Honour Based Violence and Abuse, Manchester City Council is aiming to provide investment in 2017/18 through the Directorate for Children and Families to Voluntary, Community Sector, not for profit and faith sector organisations to further address this issue. Manchester City Council

Manchester's Community Safety Strategy Consultation

Manchester's Community Safety Strategy Consultation has now started. The team are consulting with residents, visitors and people who work in the city. The Team would like your views on Community Safety in the city.

Visit: to read some information, including crime statistics and a few examples of work undertaken by the Community Safety Partnership over the last four years, and then fill in the survey.