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Our Manchester Forum Membership recruitment advert - Voluntary Board Member Positions

21 Oct 2016 - 14:22 by michelle.foster

In early 2016, Manchester agreed its shared vision outline in the Our Manchester strategy to be a world-class city, with residents who live longer, and are happier and wealthier. The Our Manchester Forum provides strategic leadership on the delivery of the city’s priorities, as set out in the Our Manchester strategy. The Forum is also responsible for ensuring that the new Our Manchester approach is embedded in all sectors of the city.

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Spice of Life - vote for us now in the Aviva Community Fund

21 Oct 2016 - 11:15 by michelle.foster

Macc will work with Cracking Good Food (www.crackinggoodfood.org) on a two month project focusing on food poverty. It will give people suffering from food poverty, and those working with them, new skills and the ability to tell their stories. We will highlight these valuable insights to the influential people and policy makers who could help make a difference.

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Spirit Story - all the stories in one place

20 Oct 2016 - 09:40 by helen.walker

Spirit Story was a week-long campaign held in September 2016 to document the extraordinary everyday stories of our sector. VCSE organisations were asked to choose one day during the week of 19-23 September and tell us about an activity that took place which included food distribution, advice sessions, support groups and a sporting memories session.

We gathered 32 stories which are now in a dedicated place on the Macc website - https://www.manchestercommunitycentral.org/spirit-story-0

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World Values Day - 20 October 2016

14 Oct 2016 - 14:30 by michelle.foster

Values are the things that are important to us, the foundation of our lives. They are deeply held principles that guide our choices and behaviours and influence our emotions. Values are the core of who we are. They are our motivators, our drivers, the passion in our hearts and the reason why we do the things we do. 

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What do you think makes up the Spirit of Manchester?

14 Oct 2016 - 13:53 by michelle.foster

Tell the story of how your community and the work being done their adds to the Spirit of Manchester. We want to train people from all over Manchester to become accredited Community Reporters and tell the great stories happening across the city.

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Second Half Fund: sharing time and talents for life

7 Oct 2016 - 11:53 by michelle.foster

The Second Half Fund is a partnership between Nesta and the Office for Civil Society. Nesta and the Office for Civil Society are looking to support the growth of innovations that mobilise the time and talents of many more people aged over 50, to help others, alongside public services in four key priority areas:
• Children and young people: People aged 50+ supporting and encouraging children and young people to succeed and find employment through social action

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Join In Stay In Fund

7 Oct 2016 - 11:51 by michelle.foster

The Join In Stay In Fund will award grants of up to £50,000 and significant non-financial support from a behavioural science evaluation partner, for organisations to undertake Randomised Controlled Trials (RCTs) to understand which interventions work best in retaining volunteers who are 50 and over following a large one-off volunteering event.

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Give More Get More Fund: exploring intensive volunteering

7 Oct 2016 - 11:47 by michelle.foster

The Give More Get More Fund is a partnership between Nesta and the Office for Civil Society which will support organisations to develop and test intensive volunteering placements for people during, or as they approach, retirement, that create clear impact alongside public services. For example, you might be a hospital that can offer placements for three months for people to radically improve patients’ well-being and outcomes, or a charity who can create intensive placements for people in schools to improve literacy and attainment.

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