Announcement: Macc has successfully secured Manchester City Council’s contract to provide infrastructure support to the city's voluntary, community, and social enterprise sector

Macc is delighted to announce that, following an open tender process, we have once again been successful in securing the contract with Manchester City Council to deliver infrastructure support to the city's voluntary, community, and social enterprise (VCSE) sector. This work enables us to support charities, community groups (including the community work done by faith organisations), voluntary groups, and social enterprises to be healthy, sustainable, well-run and above all, impactful for our communities. Macc is pleased to be able to continue our work, building on our track record of supporting the sector in Manchester and enhancing the role the sector plays as a partner in the city. This new contract ensures our main services will be in place for at least the next four years – and provide the basis on which we build our offer with other projects and ways of supporting our sector. We are pleased to be continuing our long-standing working relationship with Manchester City Council.

Keiran Barnes of Manchester City Council's Our Manchester Funds Programme said:
“We are pleased to be able to continue to work with Macc under this new contract. Manchester's VCSE sector provides a lifeline for thousands of residents, and is one of the cornerstones of the city's success. We know though, that in order to support people most effectively, sometimes organisations need some support themselves. The award of this contract will help Macc to help the voluntary sector to help residents. We look forward to working with Macc in the coming period to see those outcomes being achieved.”

Mike Wild, Macc's Chief Executive said:
“Macc is delighted to be able to continue our work to support Manchester’s wonderful charities, community groups, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. We applaud Manchester City Council for continuing to invest in the local sector in this way. This work helps bring in funds to local organisations, attracting local people to get involved as volunteers and in paid roles too and we build a huge range of partnerships with public bodies and local businesses – all of which helps build a thriving, diverse sector in Manchester. When we first launched our support services in 2010, I promised that we would keep developing and improving, building on the foundation of the Council contract. So as we start on this new contract, we make the same commitment: to be supportive to our local organisations, to be collaborative with a wide range of partners, to raise the diverse, influential and inspiring voices of our sector and to put all our efforts into making the best impact we can across all the communities of Manchester.”

Please visit for access to a wide range of resources for VCSE organisations in Manchester or contact the Macc team on 0333 321 3021 for a chat about how we can support you.