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Get Grants: Meet the Expert event - easyfundraising

Get Grants are excited to partner with easyfundraising, the UK’s biggest charity shopping site.

At this Meet the Expert event, we (Get Grants) will be joined by Becky Coleman, Partnerships Manager for easyfundraising, who will explain how changing your organisations and networks online shopping habits can support your fundraising goals.

Through attending you will have the opportunity to take part in a session discussing easyfundraising, which is free for any not-for-profit organisation to use.

So how does easyfundraising work?

10 September, 2024 - 11:00 to 12:00
Shared Topic Areas: 

Get Grants: Virtual Fundraisers Networking event

There has never been a greater need for fundraisers to get together and share knowledge and experience. Get Grants FREE Virtual Fundraisers Networking Events bring fundraisers together to access friendly peer-support from our UK-wide Get Grants Community.

If you are new to fundraising, are the only person fundraising in your organisation, or have a wealth of fundraising experience to share, our FREE Virtual Fundraisers Networking Events are a fantastic opportunity to connect with other fundraisers!

28 August, 2024 - 10:00 to 11:00
Shared Topic Areas: 

Get Grants: Bid Writing in Sports & Physical Activity workshop

Get Grants have developed an Bid Writing in Sports & Physical Activity Workshop in response to request for Fundraising support from sports clubs and organisation.

The Workshop is a two-hour online session aimed at organisations who are delivering sports and physical activity projects who are interested in growing their grant fundraising confidence and increasing their income through grant funding.

What the Workshop offers?

5 September, 2024 - 18:00 to 20:00
Shared Topic Areas: 

Get Grants: Fundraising for Beginners (2 days)

Our (Get Grants) Fundraising for Beginners Training Course has been designed as the perfect introduction to the world of fundraising!

During this course, our Get Grants Expert will support you to develop a strong foundational understanding of different types of fundraising and explore what options are available and what will work best for your organisation. Attendees will also consider the importance of a fundraising strategy and receive practical support to put this into practice and confidently take the first steps towards achieving your fundraising goals!

13 August, 2024 - 14:00 to 20 August, 2024 - 16:00
Shared Topic Areas: 

Get Grants: Bid Writing for Charities and Community Groups (2 days)

Get Grants Bid-Writing Course will give you practical support to improve your grant fundraising success and inspire you to become a more confident grant fundraiser. In attending our course, you will access expert insights, crucial information, and friendly advice that will help you increase your organisation’s income through grant funding.


1 August, 2024 - 10:00 to 8 August, 2024 - 12:00
Shared Topic Areas: 

Ambulance Community Day

30 September, 2024 - 12:30 to 14:30
  • Meet your local paramedics, call handlers and patient transport service care assistants
  • Get insight on careers and volunteering take part in first aid demos
  • Browse interactive information stands on ambulance and partner services
  • Enjoy free refreshments

If you would like to find out how the North West Ambulance Service performed in 2023/24, their Annual General Meeting will take place at the same venue on the same day starting at 11am.

Shared Topic Areas: 

GM Ethnic Communities Network Event

9 September, 2024 - 09:00 to 13:00

These meetings are a chance for GM Ethnic Communities Network members and allies to connect, share experiences and learn from one another as well as hear from guest speakers on relevant topics.

Free refreshments and a vegetarian lunch will be provided.

You can find out more about the GM Ethnic Communities Network here.

The Wellness Project CIC & Driftwood Studio: Challenging the Narrative - Difficult Conversations

Challenging the Narrative is a dynamic half-day event in central Manchester designed exclusively for anyone with a leadership role in their organisation. This is your opportunity to drive tangible improvements in team relationships, decision-making, and leadership agility.


Engaging & Interactive Training:

Marie Graham (The Wellness Project CIC) and David Nixon (Driftwood Studio) have teamed up to provide this critical piece of creative learning. Our sessions are engaging, interactive experiences.


26 September, 2024 - 10:00 to 13:00
Manchester venue TBC

Cracking Good Food: COOKWell

Creating Community Food Champions of the future! All you need to know about how to make the most of community kitchens by running safe, engaging, affordable and inclusive community cooking hubs and clubs.

17 September, 2024 - 10:00 to 16:00
422 Community Hub, Stockport Road, Longsight, Manchester, M12 4EX
Shared Topic Areas: 
