People/communities experiencing racial inequalities

Welfare Reform and Advice Support

One of the dangers for me in writing a blog is that I'll end up writing only about things I'm angry about (there seems to be quite a lot at the moment) and it will become a terribly depressing read. However, I'm not going to apologise for the bleak picture I'm about to paint because it's what's really happening to people in our communities.

Impact of Welfare Reform - Report from CLES & Manchester CAB

A report produced by Manchester CAB and the Centre for Local Economic Strategies on the impact in Manchester of the changes being made to welfare benefits, access to advice services and legal aid.

A summary version and the full report are both available to download below.

Support for refugee and asylum seeking men from Greater Manchester areas

The British Red Cross is looking to reach out to new members for the Men’s Group (Bridge).

The group is currently accepting new referrals from refugee and asylum seeking men from Greater Manchester areas.

Self referrals or referrals from other agencies are accepted.

Bridge aims to help refugee and asylum seeking men aged 18 + facing isolation, disorientation, boredom and loneliness.

African Health Needs Assessment – Focus Groups

An African Health Needs Assessment has been commissioned by the Department of Health (DoH) and is being led by the Terrence Higgins Trust and a number of other partners.

Although The Terrence Higgins Trust is an HIV charity, this part of the project is a more general assessment of health needs of specifically Black African people living in the UK.

All of this will be fed back to the DoH to help them shape their funding and resources to ensure they meet the needs of UK citizens.