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All Children and Families

Caribbean and African Health Network Greater Manchester – Black Single Mothers Project

25 Oct 2019 - 14:08 by michelle.foster

Exploring the mental health support needs of single black women living in Manchester.

  • Are you a black single mother with experience of mental health or as a carer?
  • Are you interested in 2 hour peer support group
  • Do you live in Manchester

Weekly session (during school time) for 3 months starting November 2019.

Refreshments and reasonable travel and childcare expenses provided.

For further information and to express an interested contact 0785 355 6591, or email: [email protected]

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Young Manchester Youth and Play Fund 2020

24 Oct 2019 - 11:05 by michelle.foster

Young ManchesterYoung Manchester have launched the new Youth and Play Fund for Manchester, in partnership with Manchester City Council, the #iwill Fund and Curious Minds.

The fund seeks to build on work to date to build a strong, vibrant sustainable Youth and Play sector, which enables every child and young person in Manchester to thrive and to realise their full potential through outstanding opportunities.

This funding will:

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First 1,000 Days – Supporting families and children to start well Fund 2020–2022

21 Oct 2019 - 15:26 by michelle.foster

Funding is available for projects that aim to improve the health and wellbeing of children in their first 1,000 days of life (from conception to the age of two), as it is crucial to their long-term health and wellbeing.

To support women, fathers and families:

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Macc wins Manchester Voluntary Sector Infrastructure Contract

4 Oct 2019 - 14:09 by michelle.foster

MaccAs you may be aware, earlier this year Manchester City Council and Manchester Health and Care Commissioning launched a competitive tendering process for the contract to provide support to the city's voluntary and community sector for the next three years. We are delighted to announce that Macc has been awarded this contract.

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First 1000 Days – Consultation report and updated FAQs

19 Sep 2019 - 12:41 by michelle.foster

Manchester City CouncilThe Our Manchester Funds Programme Management Team would like to thank everyone who provided comments as part of the consultation on the First 1000 Days of a Child's Life Fund - either through the on-line survey, public events or through other channels.

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Spirit of Manchester Story Week 2019 – Climate Emergency

6 Aug 2019 - 13:46 by michelle.foster

Are you a Manchester voluntary, community and social enterprise sector organisation? Would you like to share a story of your activity to tackle the climate emergency, as part of the 2019 Spirit of Manchester Story Week in September?

Spirit of Manchester Story Week 2019 - Climate emergency

We are looking for 20 VCSE organisations to share their stories during the week of 23-27 September.

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Early Help Champions Meetings

2 Aug 2019 - 10:39 by michelle.foster

Early Help Champion meetings are an opportunity to share issues and solutions to Early Help challenges, these forums are a great opportunity to network with staff from a wide range of sectors. The meetings host regular guest speakers and are an invaluable source of information on other agencies who may be able to support families. To gain further information on venue and times and to book a place email the managers detailed below.

The dates for the meetings are:
North District
17.09.2019 2pm-4pm
08.11.2019 2pm-4pm
16.12.2019 2pm-4pm

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The Henry Smith Charity – Holiday Grants programme

26 Jul 2019 - 11:49 by michelle.foster

The Holiday Grants programme provides grants for recreational trips and holidays for groups of children aged 13 and under in the UK who are disabled or disadvantaged. Henry Smith Charity

Schools, youth groups, not for profit organisations and charities are all eligible to apply.

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The Queen's Award for Voluntary Service: 2019 Awardees

25 Jul 2019 - 11:41 by michelle.foster

The Queen's Award for Voluntary Service is the highest award given to local volunteer groups across the UK to recognise outstanding work done in their own communities. It was created in 2002 to celebrate the anniversary of The Queen's coronation. It is the MBE for volunteer groups. Queen's Award for Voluntary Service

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Celebrating 100 years of Social Action

22 Jul 2019 - 13:48 by michelle.foster

A tale of two cities

Monday 22 July 2019 marks 100 years (to the day) of the formation of Manchester and Salford Council of Social Service. Macc, Salford CVS and Gaddum have worked together to mark the occasion with a celebratory event at the People’s History Museum. We felt it is important to mark 100 years of social action across the twin cities of Salford and Manchester.

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