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The Bread Project

10 Jan 2013 - 14:56 by michelle.foster

Development Education Project (DEP) has been funded by WEA/ESF to deliver this NEW community learning project.

The project will run as a 10 week programme on a weekly basis for one day a week and the guided learning hours will be 30 hours with additional support available for one to one support.

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ESF Community Learning Grants Round 4 – Deadline 17 Jan 2013

14 Dec 2012 - 09:53 by michelle.foster

Not-for-profit organisations that help people overcome barriers and gain the skills and confidence to get back into work can apply now for the penultimate round of the European Social Fund (ESF) Community Learning Grants scheme in the North West.

Constituted voluntary and community groups, registered charities, social enterprises and community interest companies in the North West of England can apply for up to £12,000 to fund programmes aimed at people out of work or recently made redundant.

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Educational Centres Association – past, present and future

28 Nov 2012 - 12:15 by cormac.lawler

Recently, Walt and I participated in the Annual Conference and AGM of the Educational Centres Association (ECA), held in Leicester. The ECA supports LSEN in our work, and is a key educational organisation at a national and European level, which has been putting the learner at the centre of education for very-nearly 100 years.

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Thoughts from Townstock

16 Nov 2012 - 12:28 by cormac.lawler

 Last week, I participated in Townstock - a two day event focused on how citizens and communities can engage in and actively take control of the regeneration of their towns and local areas. It was a very interesting event, with speakers from various sectors and initiatives, giving examples and sharing experiences from across the country. Participants were encouraged to share and capture ideas - like this one about 'townternships'.

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Adult Learners Week 2013 – Nomination deadline is only 4 weeks away!!

13 Nov 2012 - 20:26 by walt.crowson

 Are you planning to nominate an individual or a learning project for an Adult Learners Week Award in 2013?

The deadline for nominations is Thursday 13th December 2012 – so don’t hesitate – or you will be too late!!!

Nominations don’t have to come from a provider of learner or even a tutor – anyone can nominate someone for an Award as long as the person you are nominating is over 18, lives in England and has undertaken at least some of their learning between December 2011 and December 2012.

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Welfare Reform and Advice Support

9 Nov 2012 - 11:37 by Mike Wild

One of the dangers for me in writing a blog is that I'll end up writing only about things I'm angry about (there seems to be quite a lot at the moment) and it will become a terribly depressing read. However, I'm not going to apologise for the bleak picture I'm about to paint because it's what's really happening to people in our communities.

Impact of Welfare Reform - Report from CLES & Manchester CAB

9 Nov 2012 - 11:34 by Mike Wild

A report produced by Manchester CAB and the Centre for Local Economic Strategies on the impact in Manchester of the changes being made to welfare benefits, access to advice services and legal aid.

A summary version and the full report are both available to download below.

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Manchester Development Education Project are seeking to appoint new Trustees

7 Nov 2012 - 09:46 by michelle.foster

DEP works with teachers, trainee teachers, youth workers and other educators to promote diversity, global education and sustainable development.

DEP is based in South Manchester with a geographical remit of Greater Manchester and delivers projects across the North West. DEP runs a range of projects and also offers training courses designed to meet teacher and school needs. For more information on their work, visit: www.dep.org.uk  

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