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All Learning, Skills and Employment

Introducing the Spirit of Manchester Festival

31 Jul 2014 - 13:40 by Mike Wild

One of the things I love most about working in the voluntary sector is that if you have a really good idea you can generally find a way to make it happen. It might take a while – things like our State of the Sector and Civil Economy work were on my wishlist for years before we were finally able to publish the finished work. But sometimes you can be taken by surprise at how fast you can go from the idea to it actually happening.

Do you want to help people learn English? Get involved with Talk English and host a Talk English Course in your centre

27 Jun 2014 - 11:14 by michelle.foster

Manchester City Council are looking for organisations that want to get involved in the Talk English project to host informal beginner English courses for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) from October 2014 – June 2015. Manchester City Council will support your organisation to deliver the Talk English Courses which will be taught by a pair of volunteers trained and supported through the project.

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ESF Community Learning Grants 2014

29 May 2014 - 11:19 by michelle.foster

Does your group want to help people overcome barriers and gain the skills and confidence to get back into work?

Small community and voluntary groups, registered charities and social enterprises, with preference given to organisations with a turnover of no more than £300,000 per year in each of the last 2 years can apply.

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A Civil Economy for Manchester

6 May 2014 - 10:32 by Mike Wild

Could Manchester be Europe’s answer to America’s hippest city - Portland, Oregon?

Manchester has enjoyed solid economic success, there is now an opportunity for a ‘new wave’ to Manchester’s future. A new report A Civil Economy for Manchester, prepared for Macc by the think-do tank the Centre for Local Economic Strategies (CLES) demonstrates how this new wave is about unleashing the power of citizens, social and voluntary group.

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Neighbourhood Learning in Deprived Communities 2014-2015

1 May 2014 - 10:44 by michelle.foster

The main purpose of the Neighbourhood Learning in Deprived Communities (NLDC) fund is to reach disadvantaged communities and individuals; to enable them to participate in learning, with progression towards further learning and/or sustainable employment as a key theme.

The City Council’s and Manchester Adult Education Service’s (MAES) priority is to tackle the issue of worklessness amongst key groups in the most deprived wards of the City, particularly those residents in receipt of out of work benefits. Therefore this is the target group for this funding.

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Opportunities and Activities are looking for a Treasurer

30 Apr 2014 - 12:34 by michelle.foster

Opportunities and Activities is an independent initiative in Adult Education. Established in 1991, there are now 300 students, 37 classes and 14 tutors. Most classes are held at Union Chapel in Fallowfield, M14 6EQ.

Tutors are paid from the students' fees. The turnover is around £47,000 per year.

The Treasurer spends about four hours per week entering the income into Excel and arranging payments. At the beginning of term, there is a lot of work less mid-term. To give a fuller picture of the organisation other details, such as numbers and ages of students, are also recorded.

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The University of Manchester’s Funded Student Experience Internships

16 Apr 2014 - 09:12 by michelle.foster

The University of Manchester has launched a pilot Student Experience Internship scheme which provides funding to pay for a limited number of students to undertake an eight week summer internship within organisations in the charity and not-for-profit sector in Manchester.

The aim is to help organisations complete projects or for students to help by undertaking a particular role that is required during the summer months. Projects can be varied in nature but need to be achievable within the eight week period.

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Neighbourhood Learning in Deprived Communities

The aim of the fund is to build the skills levels of Manchester residents while complementing and providing progression routes to further learning and employment and volunteering. There is an emphasis on creative and innovative ways of engaging non-traditional learners. The key objectives of this activity are: • To deliver a programme of community learning activities which enable adults to move towards sustained employment and active citizenship, improving employability and essential skills and/or providing opportunities for learners to become involved in the local community • To encourage Manchester residents who are workless and have low level skills to engage in learning and progress to further training opportunities, particularly targeting those who mainstream provision struggles to engage • To provide information, advice and guidance on further learning opportunities for workless residents from voluntary and community based organisations to mainstream skills and employment support services
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