Mental Health

Adult daycare centre cuts in Manchester

The Health Scrutiny Committee meeting is happening on Thursday at 2pm, Committee room 11 in the Town Hall.

It is a public meeting and anyone can attend.

If you want to ask a question you need to ask the Chair, in advance, to do this, please contact Kate Hines on 0161 234 3071 and she will check with the chair whether they will accept your question. You may be able to ask the chair on the day of the meeting but it is less likely they will say yes. They have a very full agenda on Thursday.

Unfair WCA petition

One of rethinks supporters, Dick Acworth, has launched an online petition asking the Department of Work & Pensions to stop the re-assessment of people with mental health problems through the Work Capability Assessment (WCA), until the test is fixed. they've had an incredible 5,000 signatures in five days - but really need your help to spread the word.

To get a copy of the petition please contact [email protected] or call 020 7840 3147.


Framework Agreement for the Provision of Troubled Families Interventions

Manchester City Council (MCC) is very keen for organisations to apply for a new opportunity advertised on The Chest to be part of a preferred providers list for services for Troubled Families. The closing date is 19th July. They are hoping that a large number of organisations, small and large, offering a very wide range of services are successful in meeting the basic quality requirements.

A New Direction for Mental Health Services

Manchester Mental Health and Social Care Trust is subject to strong implicit criticism of its performance in a recent document issued by Central Manchester Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG). It is no longer intending to apply for Foundation Trust status. The full report on Mental Health Services on which the document is based is ready but has not yet been released.

Manchester Mind Board of Trustee vacancy for a Treasurer

About the role
Many people in Manchester are finding it harder to cope with the pressures they face: making ends meet financially; getting and staying in a job and caring for children and loved ones. The stresses that people are dealing with increases the chance that they will experience poor mental health. Manchester Mind knows that there are even more challenging times ahead. Manchester Mind are looking for new trustees to join their Board to help to address those challenges and ensure that people experiencing mental health issues have the right support.


NHS Commissioning Providers Advisory Group

The Board that is reviewing third sector funding for  voluntary and community sector (VCS) organisations by NHS Manchester Clinical Commissioning Groups is setting up a Providers Advisory Group.

This group will undertake detailed consideration of the work of the Board, and is open both to VCS organisations that are already funded by NHS and to VCS organisations within Manchester that are carrying out health-related activity.

8 things you should know about the Voluntary Sector in Manchester...

1. In 2012/13 there were 3,093 community and voluntary organisations, co-operatives and social enterprises in Manchester

2. In 2012/13 the total income of the sector was £477 million

3. Medium and large organisations receive 95% of the total sector income

4. 1,987 organisations are micro (with an annual income under £10 thousand)

5. There are 94,300 volunteers in the sector

6. Volunteers give 370,000 hours each week

7. The contribution of volunteers in the sector is valued at £332 million each year

State of the Sector 2013

This morning I was in the happy position of being able to present our new research into the state of the voluntary sector in Manchester. It has been a long-held ambition of mine to be able to show the full extent of the enormous contribution which voluntary organisations, community groups, social enterprises and the community work of faith groups make to the city.