Mental Health

Manchester Mind Board Trustee Vacancy for a Treasurer

Manchester Mind, one of the North West’s most forward-thinking and dynamic voluntary sector organisations has an exciting opportunity for a talented individual to take on the role of Treasurer.

With many people in Manchester finding it harder to cope with a wide range of pressures Manchester Mind are finding that more people are experiencing poor mental health. Manchester Mind are now facing increasing demands for their services whilst operating in a challenging funding environment and know that there are even more challenging times ahead.


Board Trustee Vacancy for a Treasurer at Manchester Mind

Manchester Mind, one of the North West’s most forward-thinking and dynamic voluntary sector organisations has an exciting opportunity for a talented individual to take on the role of Treasurer.

WIth many people in Manchester finding it harder to cope with a wide range of pressures Manchester Mind are finding that more people are experiencing poor mental health. Manchester Mind are now facing increasing demands for their services whilst operating in a challenging funding environment and know that there are even more challenging times ahead.


Time to Change grants fund – Round 3 now open

Want to run a project to challenge stigma and discrimination in your community and beyond?

The Time to Change grants fund could support you to do this. The Grants will fund projects that bring people with and without mental health problems together and create opportunities for them to have meaningful conversations.

Projects must be led by people with experience of mental health problems. This means that people with first-hand experience take a lead at all levels and stages, from designing the project, to managing and evaluating the project.

Join the Macc Board of Trustees

Passionate about Manchester?
Want to help local charities make a difference in the city?

Macc is looking for committed and caring people to get involved in shaping the future of our work to support and develop a thriving voluntary, community and faith sector in Manchester. Our role includes:

Work Programme is performing well below expected targets

When the Work Programme was first introduced as part of the new Welfare to Work agenda the LSEN organised a number of meetings, seminars and events to inform voluntary organisations about the opportunities and risks of getting involved in the Programme as a sub-contractor.

It became clear, early on in these discussions, that the Programme did not recognise the difficulties many people at a distance from the labour market would find in re-engaging in sustained employment.

BME mental health survey – volunteers needed

Time to Change has commissioned ETHNOS Research & Consultancy to conduct a survey of people from Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) groups who have experienced mental illness. The aim of the survey is to identify the extent to which people experience discrimination as a result of their mental illness.

Anti-Stigma Research - £10 paid to participants

This is one of the largest surveys of its kind ever undertaken in this country.

If you would like further information, contact Hanif Bobat, on 0795 731 7707.

Welfare Reform and Advice Support

One of the dangers for me in writing a blog is that I'll end up writing only about things I'm angry about (there seems to be quite a lot at the moment) and it will become a terribly depressing read. However, I'm not going to apologise for the bleak picture I'm about to paint because it's what's really happening to people in our communities.

Impact of Welfare Reform - Report from CLES & Manchester CAB

A report produced by Manchester CAB and the Centre for Local Economic Strategies on the impact in Manchester of the changes being made to welfare benefits, access to advice services and legal aid.

A summary version and the full report are both available to download below.