
Singing for Pleasure

Manchester Community Choir has over 100 members and has been performing since 1999. Their repertoire includes songs from all parts of the world, both modern and traditional.

The Choir appear regularly at events in Manchester and further afield, including the annual Street Choirs Festival.

Their songs are about equality, peace and respect.

The Choir sing for pleasure, well-being and friendship and enjoy supporting good causes through their singing.


Unit 16 – a temporary shop for all the community

What would you do with a shop on Cheetham Hill Shopping Centre?

From September, Buddleia has taken over Unit 16 in Cheetham Hill Shopping Centre as a creative community shop.

Do you have an idea about how to use the shop?

Unit 16 will be an open space for the local community to:
• Try out new business ideas
• Launch new initiatives
• Host community meetings or events
• Share information
• Participate in workshops and training

The space is available to rent for 1 -4 days at a very low daily rate. Bookings are available until February 2014.


Be Proud Awards 2013

The Be Proud Awards are a great way to recognise anyone you know who has worked hard to change things in your area, improve the lives of others, or who has shown outstanding spirit. Young or old, individual or group – there are categories for all sorts of community heroes and Manchester City Council want to hear about who you think deserves an award. So, if you know someone who goes the extra mile to make a difference, why not nominate them now?



Compact Voice - 2013 Compact Awards

The Compact Awards highlight outstanding examples of partnership work between voluntary and community organisations and the statutory sector and provide an opportunity to recognise achievement as a result of the Compact way of working.

Compact Voice are now inviting nominations for the Compact Awards which provide examples of best practice in partnership working.

Surviving the Recovery

During the recent bout of hot weather, I somehow managed to come down with a cold. I not only felt ill, I also felt ridiculous: I mean who gets a cold in the middle of a heatwave? As I write this, figures have just been released showing that the country’s economy is slowly starting to grow again after the recession. It’s a similar feeling: I’m being told it’s lovely out there but it feels dreadful. No matter what the economic analysis says, when I look around I see incomes reducing, prices rising, services closing and life generally becoming more difficult.

Spirit of Manchester

I've mentioned previously that there's a danger that this blog becomes a series of rants about things I'm angry about. Well not today, at least!

Our State of the Voluntary Sector report shows there are over 3000 voluntary and community groups in Manchester. I don't know them all but I do know a lot of them and one of the great pleasures of my job is that I get to see some of the amazing things happening in groups across Manchester and meet some fantastic people.

Get your nomination in for a Spirit of Manchester Award by Friday!

Don't miss this chance to highlight your work and gain recognition. The Spirit of Manchester Awards, managed by Macc, celebrate and highlight all the excellent work being carried out in Manchester in these hard times. Make sure you get your nominations in by the end of Friday 2 August.


MC-UK - Food Parcel Distribution

MC-UK will be distributing food parcels (lamb pilau rice – (halal) drink and a snack bar) from Monday 29 July until Wednesday 7 August.

The aim is to distribute to those who are vulnerable both Muslim and non-Muslim.

Parcels will be allocated on a first come first basis as there are a limited number available – MC-UK are happy to come and distribute to yourself during the dates mentioned above. MC-UK require testimonials from staff at the centre, and possibly photos of the beneficiaries (where appropriate) and a confirmation of how many parcels are required.


Public Sector / Voluntary Sector Leadership course for Refugees - Call for Participants

Refugee Action are offering an interactive training course aimed at exploring public and voluntary sector management and leadership.

The course is specifically targeted at people from a refugee background who have already got a foothold in the public, voluntary or community sectors and are looking to progress.
