Business citizenship

Help us showcase the work of Manchester’s voluntary, community and social enterprise sector

Our State of the Sector Survey in 2013 found that there were 3,093 voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations in Manchester, with an estimated income of £477 million. The sector employed the equivalent of 12,400 full time staff and 94,300 volunteers gave 370,000 hours, with an estimated value of £332 million. Decision makers took note of the survey results, we know it increased their understanding of the sector. Some of the key facts (3093 organisations, 94,300 volunteers) are now widely quoted by colleagues in the Council, the NHS and other bodies such as Big Lottery Fund.

Cast your vote for the Best Community Space Spirit of Manchester Award 2016

Voting is now open to vote for the Best Community Space Spirit of Manchester Award 2016.

Award criteria
A community space can be a piece of land or a building available for use by the community. Organisations needed to show:
• Best use of a community space
• How the space is seen as central within the community
• The impact it has within the local community

Let's talk about the EU Referendum....

Do you realise that the result of the EU Referendum will be announced in Manchester? Must admit, that one had passed me by in the midst of a lot of noise which is supposedly the national debate. Campaigning has only just officially started but of course it’s been going on for months if not years already. There’s a lot of media coverage about the political positioning and opinions being hurled back and forth in speeches. There are fairly regular “sector” positions reported in the media too on both sides – particularly the voice of business leaders.

Better Community Business Network grants initiative

Better Community Business Network Grant Initiative aims to provide small grant awards to empower charities and local community projects for the betterment of society. This initiative will distribute up to £3000 per month to small but credible community projects, which are able to demonstrate the positive impact that they add to the local community.

I agree: the way we think about charity is dead wrong.

I'm being a bit cheeky calling this one a blog as 99.99% of this page is not by me at all. However, this is a good place to share it.

Below is a talk given by an American activist and fundraiser called Dan Pallotta. He brilliantly sums up some of the attitudes which distort the way the charity sector functions. I heartily agree with a lot of what he says - it's well worth watching. 

Manchester Youth Market Programme - Applications now open

The Manchester Youth Market programme is one of We Love Manchester charity’s flagship projects. It will help young, budding entrepreneurs to make the transition from developing a business idea to taking it to the public to test trade.

Working with key partners such as the Princes Trust, Innospace, the Business Growth Hub, the Manchester Enterprise Centre, vInspired and The Manchester College, the programme will ensure young people have access to a wide range of training to prepare them for trading.

Manchester Christmas Markets 2015

The capital of Christmas in the UK, undisputed since the arrival of the first Christmas Markets from Europe 17 years ago, Manchester is the perfect place to get in to the Christmas spirit.

The celebration has grown each year with an ambitious spread of festive cheer to each and every corner of the city with attractions for all the family and all ages.

This year, make sure Manchester is on your Christmas list – everything else will simply fall in to place.

Get involved with Small Business Saturday 2015 on 5 December

Small Business Saturday 2015 takes place on the busiest shopping day of the year – Saturday 5 December. It is a national campaign to celebrate small businesses and the value they add to the character of your community.

On the day you can shop for unique Christmas gift ideas and enjoy local promotions, offers, events and activities.