People/communities experiencing racial inequalities

Manchester City Council Advice Tender

A new tender from Manchester City Council has been advertised on The Chest. The tender is for advice services and is in 3 parts. Part 1 is for City-Wide Advice Services. Part 2 is for Targeted Individual/Family Advice Services. Part 3 is for a Framework Agreement for the Provision of Innovative Advice Solutions. All the tenders are for 1 year with the possibility of an extension for another year.

Lobbying and Transparency Bill

At our Spirit of Manchester awards event last month one of the categories was for Most Successful Campaign. We wanted to acknowledge campaigning work because we’ve always believed that it’s the job of charities not just to meet needs but to drive change for the longer term. The history of social change in this country has been driven by the campaigning efforts of groups for centuries.

Macc wins Council Infrastructure Contract

As you may be aware, earlier this year the City Council launched a competitive tendering process for the contract to provide support to the city's voluntary and community sector for the next three years.

We are delighted to announce that Macc has been awarded this contract.

Europia drop-in evenings

Europia is offering free support and advice for Eastern European language speakers on the 2nd and the 4th Monday in October to February 2014, 4pm to 7pm at Ada House, 2nd floor, 77 Thompson Street, Manchester, M4 5FY

Come along if you’re struggling with:
• Access to benefits and other public services
• Communications with utility companies, landlords and housing associations
• Exercising your rights as an employer or temporary worker
• Communications with social servuces and other statutory agencies

Manchester BME Network Learning Circles

Following on from last year’s success, the Manchester BME Network is delighted to invite you to participate in their exciting new Learning Circles.

Learning Circles are all about peer learning; sharing experiences and finding solutions to your problems.

These sessions are free (funded by Awards for All) but places are limited.

Speak UP Speak OUT Campaign - New Mental Health Initiative for BME Communities

The Manchester University Amp programme is a five year research programme focusing on Mental Health in the Black Minority Ethnic communities with a major focus on South Asian Communities

The findings of the programme have stressed the importance of working with strategic groups in bringing together the diverse local and national organisations who are essential in addressing the often complex needs of communities.

Mental Health is often seen as a taboo subject and not openly discussed by individuals, families or communities.

Surviving the Recovery

During the recent bout of hot weather, I somehow managed to come down with a cold. I not only felt ill, I also felt ridiculous: I mean who gets a cold in the middle of a heatwave? As I write this, figures have just been released showing that the country’s economy is slowly starting to grow again after the recession. It’s a similar feeling: I’m being told it’s lovely out there but it feels dreadful. No matter what the economic analysis says, when I look around I see incomes reducing, prices rising, services closing and life generally becoming more difficult.

Spirit of Manchester

I've mentioned previously that there's a danger that this blog becomes a series of rants about things I'm angry about. Well not today, at least!

Our State of the Voluntary Sector report shows there are over 3000 voluntary and community groups in Manchester. I don't know them all but I do know a lot of them and one of the great pleasures of my job is that I get to see some of the amazing things happening in groups across Manchester and meet some fantastic people.

Opportunity to Help Troubled Families

The closing date to be part of the preferred providers list for services to Troubled Families has been extended for 2 weeks to 5pm on Fri 2nd August. Applications can be made through The Chest and the name of the opportunity is  "Framework Agreement for the Provision of Troubled Families Interventions". Read more here.