People/communities experiencing racial inequalities

Community Scrutiny Committee Aug 2014

This article is part of an occasional series concerning the activities of Manchester City Council Scrutiny Committees. This one covers the August 27th Community Scrutiny Committee, chaired by Councillor Tracey Rawlings, which considered reports on: English for Speakers of Other Languages; and The Implications of Manchester as a 24hr City.

Introducing the Spirit of Manchester Festival

One of the things I love most about working in the voluntary sector is that if you have a really good idea you can generally find a way to make it happen. It might take a while – things like our State of the Sector and Civil Economy work were on my wishlist for years before we were finally able to publish the finished work. But sometimes you can be taken by surprise at how fast you can go from the idea to it actually happening.

A Civil Economy for Manchester

Could Manchester be Europe’s answer to America’s hippest city - Portland, Oregon?

Manchester has enjoyed solid economic success, there is now an opportunity for a ‘new wave’ to Manchester’s future. A new report A Civil Economy for Manchester, prepared for Macc by the think-do tank the Centre for Local Economic Strategies (CLES) demonstrates how this new wave is about unleashing the power of citizens, social and voluntary group.

Manchester BME Network Learning Circles – Governance

Are you struggling to recruit trustees?
Are you concerned about your sustainability?
Would you like to know how other organisations are run?
Are you solely dependent on a few people?
Do you all have clear responsibilities?

The Manchester BME Network next Learning Circle theme is on the tricky subject of Governance. So, if you are interested in finding out more about legal structures, board members, trustees, trading arms, CICs, Social Enterprises, incorporation, memberships or anything in between, you are warmly invited to attend.

Manchester Library community tours

The Ahmed Iqbal Ullah Race Relations Resource Centre and Education Trust has now moved into their new home in Manchester Central Library. The new local history displays in the ground floor area of the library make use of many elements of their collection and Manchester’s diversity is reflected well.

The Ahmed Iqbal Ullah Race Relations Resource Centre and Education are very proud of the new library and would like to show you around on a guided tour.

Three dates are available:
Wednesday 30 April, 2pm
Thursday 8 May, 6pm
Friday 16 May, 2pm

The Challenge for Manchester

Before Christmas, Mike Wild (Chief Executive of Macc) and Nigel Rose (Macc’s Strategic Lead on Commissioning) met with Geoff Little (Deputy Chief Executive of Manchester City Council) and Carol Culley (Assistant Chief Executive, Finance and Performance).  We wanted to discuss the impact not just of the next wave of public sector cuts but the prolonged effects of recession. We also wanted to explore the Council’s views on how the voluntary and community sector can rise to meet the challenges faced by the communities in Manchester.

Learning Circles 2014

Manchester BME Network is delighted to invite you to participate in their next Learning Circles. Learning Circles provide a space for you to come together with your peers to share your experiences and find solutions to your organisational issues and challenges.

These sessions are free, but places are limited.

The next Learning Circles are:

• Keeping Going: Is it really hard to keep going in the current climate? Is it a struggle to keep services running? Dates: 25 February, 4, 11, 18 March 2014

Greater Manchester Work Programme Leavers Tender

A new 3 year tender has been issued by Salford Local Authority on behalf of all the Greater Manchester Authorities for support into employment for people who have gone through the work programme and have not got a job. Bidders can apply to deliver support just for Manchester or for multiple authorities.  There is a meeting for potential applicants in Manchester on Thursday 5th December from 2-4pm at Friends Meeting House, 6 Mount St, M2 5NS.