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Carers Federation Virtual Learning Environment

29 Jun 2018 - 10:48 by michelle.foster

Carers Federation are a City and Guilds Approved Training Centre and are investing in new technologies to improve and increase their training portfolio and make learning much more flexible and manageable for the learner. Carers Federation Virtual Learning Environment

The new virtual Learning Environment (VLE) is due to go live in August 2018.

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Manchester Jobs Fair For All; Part 2 - Friday 27 July 2018

22 Jun 2018 - 11:12 by michelle.foster

The first Manchester Job's Fair For All was held in February 2018, which was a success with over three hundred attendees, over twenty businesses present and countless of individuals gaining a job or apprenticeship.

Watch a video of last year’s jobs fair here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5_koaf6Jno&t=135s

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Join the Manchester Volunteer Advice Project - information sessions June and July 2018

15 Jun 2018 - 10:39 by michelle.foster

Want to increase your skills, confidence and knowledge, gain work experience and meet new people?

Manchester Volunteer Advice Project needs Receptionists, Interpreters, Advisors, Immigration Assistants, Advice Support Workers and Training and Recruitment Assistants for local advice organisations…

To find out more, visit Manchester Methodist Hall, Central Buildings, Oldham Street, M1 1JQ on:

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Volunteer Mentor opportunities - Refugees and Mentors

8 Jun 2018 - 14:17 by cheryl.mcalister

Nurse. Construction Worker. Accountant. Mum. Business owner. Farmer. Dentist. Student - just some of the lives people led before they were forced to flee their home countries and become refugees. Lives defined by work, education or family.

If you live in Manchester, Salford or nearby and have lots of UK work experience - in any sector - you can apply to be a volunteer mentor to make a difference to refugees' employment prospects.
In Greater Manchester unemployment is 4.9%* compared to around 44%* for refugees.

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Opportunity for GM VCSE organisations to engage with new VCSE School Readiness Group

18 May 2018 - 09:54 by michelle.foster

There is an opportunity for VCSE organisations to be involved with the development of a new VCSE School Readiness Task and Finish group linked to the work of the Greater Manchester Combined Authority around the Mayor’s priority on School Readiness.

The first meeting of this group is taking place at Longsight Community Primary School on Thursday 7 June from 12.30pm – 3.30pm. It will focus on the creation of a VCSE group to drive forward school readiness work in GM and to work through how this connects to the wider GM school readiness agenda to look at the development of the group.

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Work Experience for Xaverian College Students

18 May 2018 - 09:52 by michelle.foster

Students will leave Xaverian College with the academic skills needed to pursue their chosen career. However it is the practical, hands-on skills that can only be learnt on the job that the students seek, in order to help them to excel. Xaverian College

Could you offer a student some relevant and constructive work experience?

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Offer of NHS fully funded places for Managers on Disability and Inclusion Training Workshops

27 Apr 2018 - 10:51 by cheryl.mcalister

The development of these workshops follows a recent piece of research that was commissioned by the Manchester Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB) to ‘take a transparent look’ at workplace health in public sector organisations across the city. The research found that whilst there are pockets of good practice, there are some significant gaps, particularly in relation to disability where more needs to be done to support employees to participate in, remain in, and thrive through work.

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Information on plans to commemorate the anniversary of the Manchester Arena attack

11 Apr 2018 - 12:29 by michelle.foster

Manchester City Council is leading the city’s arrangements to mark the anniversary of the Manchester Arena attack on Tuesday 22 May 2018. We love Manchester Chairty

Those affected by those terrible events will want to mark the date in different ways, so the programme is varied and takes different forms, to make sure that people can feel connected to it.

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Community Learning Fund

11 Apr 2018 - 12:26 by michelle.foster

Manchester Adult Education Service invites applications to its Community Learning Fund, which opens on Monday 16 April. Manchester Adult Education

Funding from a minimum of £20,000 up to £125,000 is available to up to 10 organisations to offer community learning activities which enable Manchester-based adults to move towards sustained employment, volunteering or work experience.

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