Mental Health

Rewriting the DNA of Health and Care (Episode IV: A New Hope?)

You know that game where you have to pick the people, living or dead, you’d most like to have round a dinner table? Being a bit of an ideas geek, I have a similar thing about who I’d like to hear speak at my dream conference. I’m lucky that I occasionally get to hear some brilliant speakers from the world of charities and social enterprises.

Winter Wellbeing with Self Help

Christmas can be a challenging time for our stress levels and it's even harder for people facing mental health issues.

Feeling like there is no-one to turn to is a real danger to someone in the midst of an emotional crisis.

If you - or anyone else you know - are struggling to cope, support is available.

Self Help offer a range of talking therapies, with shorter than average waiting times, that can help you feel better.


Free Ways to Wellbeing Courses at Back on Track

Have you been feeling low, stressed, anxious or worried? Are you going through a recent life change and finding it difficult to cope?

Back on Track, in partnership with Manchester Adult Education Service (MAES), is offering a range of courses to help you understand your symptoms and find ways to manage them. Learn ways to lift your mood and boost your confidence in a relaxed, friendly environment.


Complete our important State of the Sector Survey

We have extended the deadline to complete our State of the Sector survey to 18 December 2016.

We would like to encourage your organisation to complete our important survey as we want to know how the government cuts and economic recession have affected our sector. We need to know how many groups have lost funding, how many have had to reduce services and how many have had to close or are facing closure. But also how we continue to work together providing valuable services and support to the people of Manchester.

The People's Plan for Greater Manchester

Macc’s purpose is to encourage, support and develop voluntary and community groups and individuals to have a real influence over the places and communities in which they live. So for that reason alone, we’re supporting the People’s Plan as a non-partisan, citizen-led movement bringing new and seldom-heard voices into the conversation about the future of Greater Manchester.

Culturally-appropriate Schizophrenia Psychological Education Resources focus group

Would you like to help develop a learning resource to improve African Caribbean families’ knowledge and understanding of schizophrenia?

You are invited to take part in the second phase of the research if you are 18 -29 years old and a family member, relative or carer to someone with African Caribbean heritage diagnosed with schizophrenia.

George House Trust Spirit Story - Everybody Valued, Everybody Equal

Last night (Wednesday 21st September), George House Trust (GHT) held its Annual General Meeting. It has a unique governance structure, one that fully involves the people who use GHT services and the volunteers. It is part of what makes the culture of GHT, a culture where everyone is valued, everyone is equal.