Young People

Co-op Young Members Board - Recruitment

The Co-operative was founded in part by five inspiring and determined young people and the impact of their innovation led to the creation of a global movement of shared and equal ownership that has fairness and honesty at its heart.

“We want to ensure that young people continue to drive the Co-operative forward in the future and so we are on the look out for the next generation of pioneers to join The Co-operative Young Members’ Board, which will help to shape the future direction of all of our businesses.”


NEW Drama Drop-in at the Royal Exchange Theatre

Drama Drop-in is a new group for young people who have never been to the Royal Exchange Theatre before.

The first session will take place at the Royal Exchange Theatre (near the Arndale in Manchester City Centre) on Friday 12th April, 5-6pm.

They are looking for young people with ideas and energy – you don’t need any experience to come along.


Launching the Girls in Gangs Website and Teaching Resource for Work with Young People

Union Street Media Arts CIC (USMA) have been working with Cedar Mount Academy (CMA) and Greater Manchester Police (GMP) to support pupils to raise awareness about the risks of gang involvement through media, film and performance. This is being done within their school, other schools and youth organisations, around Greater Manchester and beyond. The project was funded by the Home Office to carry out this piece of work under the Communities Against Guns, Gangs and Knives Fund.

GMYN Programme for Young People: Barclays money skills

GMYN would like to invite young people aged 16 – 25 to join the Barclays Money Skills Programme. This is a peer education course where young people will learn money management and then volunteer by passing on their knowledge to other young people.

The course will be held at GMYN in Ardwick Green on the following dates:
15th, 17th, 22nd and 25th April, from 10am – 2pm each day

GMYN will provide lunch and travel expenses.


Respectabull - a powerful free workshop for young people

What is the Respactabull Project?
A powerful, free workshop for young people in London, Birmingham and Manchester

Designed to be run as a workshop with groups of young people, the project aims to stimulate debate and discussion around the issues of responsible dog ownership, antisocial behaviour and the law.

Support from VYM and Manchester Community Central post Youth Fund Commissioning

In partnership with GMP Safer Schools Partnership Voluntary Youth Manchester (VYM) will be offering a ‘back to basics’ programme covering all aspects of project and organisational development needed to enable organisations to be able submit effective funding applications to any and all funding bodies.

The Causeway Youth Exchange

Causeway is a British-Irish exchange programme that aims to strengthen and improve relationships between young people, and those that who work with them, on the islands of Britain and Ireland.

Causeway projects promote working in a team and provide a valuable avenue for young people to explore their perceptions of identity and to deal with issues of tolerance and diversity.

BBC Children in Need Small Grants and Main Grants Programmes – 2013 Deadlines

BBC Children in Need's Small Grants programme and Main Grants Prograemmes are open to charities and not-for-profit organisations to apply to.

The BBC Children in Need focus firmly on children and young people experiencing disadvantage. BBC Children in Need fund organisations working to combat this disadvantage and to make a real difference to children and young people's lives.

Such disadvantage includes:
1. Illness, distress, abuse or neglect
2. Any kind of disability
3. Behavioural or psychological difficulties
4. Living in poverty or situations of deprivation