
Inspiring Change Manchester - Expressions of Interest

Inspiring Change Manchester is a Shelter led partnership funded through Big Lottery Fund’s £112m Fulfilling Lives initiative: Supporting People with Multiple Needs. The programme’s aim is to transform the support received by people with multiple needs.

For further information, visit: https://www.biglotteryfund.org.uk/prog_complex_needs

Manchester Homelessness Charter

For those working in the homelessness sector, it is evident that Manchester has a growing and complex problem when it comes to people sleeping rough on the streets. In order to address this issue, Manchester City Council, in partnership with the many voluntary groups and organisations working in the city, have been creating new strategies to tackle homelessness and give support to people affected by it.


Hundreds sleep out for the night in solidarity with Manchester’s homeless

On Friday 6 November hundreds of people will join The Manchester Sleepout to highlight some of the hardships that homeless people face every single night. Brave participants have accepted the challenge to sleep outside Manchester Cathedral to help raise awareness and funds for the work of the Booth Centre, a homeless day centre in the city.


Myths about the voluntary sector - Parts 5 and 6

A few weeks back I met with a group of voluntary & community sector leaders working with children young people and families and our local Director of Children's Services. We were talking about how to build the relationship between the sectors so we hit on the idea of writing a blog to challenge a few myths and misconceptions which tend to distort the relationship.

Myths about the voluntary sector - Parts 3 and 4

A few weeks back I met with a group of voluntary & community sector leaders working with children young people and families and our local Director of Children's Services. We were talking about how to build the relationship between the sectors so we hit on the idea of writing a blog to challenge a few myths and misconceptions which tend to distort the relationship.

Myths about the voluntary sector - Parts 1 and 2

A few weeks back I met with a group of voluntary & community sector leaders working with children young people and families and our local Director of Children's Services. We were talking about how to build the relationship between the sectors so we hit on the idea of writing a blog to challenge a few myths and misconceptions which tend to distort the relationship.

Grants for voluntary and community groups to help prevent homelessness

If you’re a voluntary or community group, specifically one that is pro-active in this field, you can apply for funding to tackle and prevent homelessness.

As part of its continued commitment to preventing homelessness, Manchester City Council is aiming to provide investment in 2015/16 through the Directorate for Children and Families Homelessness Prevention Grants programme.

Spirit of Manchester Awards 2015 – get your nominations in by 3 July

The Spirit of Manchester Awards is a series of awards celebrating and highlighting all the excellent work being carried out in Manchester’s voluntary and community sector. As well as providing recognition to the sector in these hard times, we want to raise the profile of the sector amongst the general public and encourage local giving and active citizenship.

Working with Manchester Commissioners

Manchester City Council have  published their Market Position Statement for Care and Support 2015/16 and anyone with an interest in the future of care and support in Manchester should read it. Manchester's aim is "to forge a new relationship with its partners to benefit all who need care". The Market Position Statement describes the commissioning approach, the context for commissioning and some of the key issues that Manchester needs to address.