
Community Reporter Training - Homelessness

We think that people telling their own stories about the experiences that matter to them, and that are important to their lives is powerful stuff. Community Reporting is all about storytelling. At the heart of what we do is helping people to find their voice and describe their own realities through storytelling. We use basic digital skills and pocket technology such as smartphones and tablets to support people to tell their own stories, in their own ways.


Tell your story! Join us, share your experiences about homelessness in Manchester and become a trained Community Reporter

We think that people telling their own stories about the experiences that matter to them, and that are important to their lives is powerful stuff. Community Reporting is all about storytelling and helping people to find their voice and describe their own realities through storytelling. We use basic digital skills and pocket technology such as smartphones and tablets to support people to tell their own stories, in their own ways.

LandAid Grants Programme - apply to become a LandAid Charity Partner and for a grant of up to £75,000

LandAid's vision is a country where no young person is homeless. LandAid aims to bring about lasting change by helping tackle the causes of youth homelessness and contributing to the provision of safe supported housing for those who need it most. Landaid

LandAid award grants to outstanding projects on the ground that work to give young people the shelter and support they need.

The Manchester Sleepout 2017

Each year The Booth Centre invites people to take on the challenge of sleeping out to highlight some of the hardships that homeless people have to face every single night. Manchester Sleepout 2017

Hundreds of people will be joining this great event and raising vital funds to help homeless people in our community.

Participants are asked to pay a small registration fee and raise £150.00 towards the work of the Booth Centre.


Homeless and Rough Sleeping Evening Provision Grant

Manchester City Council wishes to commission a service that will provide an accessible indoor evening and weekend provision for rough sleepers in the City. The service will provide a safe and well-managed environment where rough sleepers can get hot food and showers, and advice and support to access other key services including health and well-being and accommodation. Manchester City Council

Directorate for Children and Families IT Solution to aid the Homeless Grant

Manchester City Council wishes to commission an IT solution to make it easier for people experiencing homelessness to get the help they need. The Council is seeking a Service Provider who will work in and among communities in the area covered by Manchester City Council (‘Manchester’) to provide comprehensive support to people to have ‘one place’ to go for anyone to find out about homelessness in Manchester and DO something to help.

Information and Helplines for Manchester Arena Incident

We have pulled together a range of information collected so far about the additional support local charities & community organisations are offering in the aftermath of the events.
Scroll down to the foot of the page to view the updates.


Helplines and official contact information


Rewriting the DNA of Health and Care (Episode IV: A New Hope?)

You know that game where you have to pick the people, living or dead, you’d most like to have round a dinner table? Being a bit of an ideas geek, I have a similar thing about who I’d like to hear speak at my dream conference. I’m lucky that I occasionally get to hear some brilliant speakers from the world of charities and social enterprises.

Greater Manchester Winter Night Shelter Spirit Story - It is a crucial part of having a faith

On the night of Thursday 1st December, Church of the Resurrection & St Barnabus provided food and accommodation for 12 people as part of the Greater Manchester Winter Night Shelter project. This six month project involves seven churches within a mile and a half of the city centre. The shelters are advertised and people are also referred from organisations such as the Booth Centre.
