Crime and Disorder

Consultation on draft proposals for OPCC Domestic Violence and Abuse Projects

Manchester City Council has been asked by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) to consult with partners on two funding proposals in relation to domestic violence and abuse core and enhanced support and provide a coordinated response by Friday 28 August.

These are draft proposals and Manchester City Council want to know your views before any decisions are made. Please say what you think and say if you have any different suggestions and if there is anything you feel is missing. The deadline for submissions is Friday 21 August 2015, 4pm.

Making Safer Communities Summit

Macc and Salford CVS hosted the Making Safer Communities Summit for voluntary sector groups, with guest speaker Tony Lloyd, the GM Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) and interim GM Mayor on 18 June 2015 in Central Manchester. The idea for this collaborative approach between Macc and Salford CVS around crime and community safety first arose as a response to the riots of 2011.

Coaching Behind Bars: Facing Challenges and Creating Hope in a Women’s Prison

Coaching Behind Bars is an entertaining and enlightening read that takes you into the heart of local women’s prison, HMP Styal. It shows both the tragedy and the comedy of life inside, as well as the power of finding your own answers.

The book should engage a wide audience around social and criminal justice, in order to tap into everyone’s potential, not just focus on the privileged few.

Grant to help victims/survivors of domestic violence and abuse

The victim/survivor recovery programme is being funding in the context of two key programmes – the Freedom Programme and Moving On Programme – that are currently delivered to empower victims/survivors and help them to understand and move on from their experiences.

Spirit of Manchester Awards 2015 – get your nominations in by 3 July

The Spirit of Manchester Awards is a series of awards celebrating and highlighting all the excellent work being carried out in Manchester’s voluntary and community sector. As well as providing recognition to the sector in these hard times, we want to raise the profile of the sector amongst the general public and encourage local giving and active citizenship.

GMP and MCC advice for residents on the English Defence League Demonstration – 7 March 2015

Information from Greater Manchester Police (GMP) and Manchester City Council (MCC):

The English Defence League (EDL) is an organisation which focuses on opposition to what it considers to be a spread of Islamism and Sharia in the United Kingdom. It has held a number of protests across the country and has faced confrontations with various groups, including Unite Against Fascism (UAF) and the police. Previously there has been considerable disorder at other demonstration sites.

Community cafe for older offenders in Manchester

RECOOP is opening a Community Support Café service this month, at The Mustard Tree in Ancoats, Manchester.

The Café, offering a rolling six week programme, will be open to male and female offenders over the age of 50 years, and who have been convicted of a criminal offence in the last six months; released from prison in the last six months; or are currently being managed at Tier 1 or 2.

Youth Aspiration Fund – Grants to empower young people

Communities across Greater Manchester can benefit from a new £600,000 fund to empower young people and keep them out of trouble.

The Police and Crime Commissioner’s Youth Aspiration Fund will support work with vulnerable children and young people at risk of offending or risky behaviour.

Youth groups and organisations are invited to send in an ‘expression of interest’ for a slice of the money for projects aimed at keeping young people out of the criminal justice system and developing their life skills.

The Hashtag is #McrFundingCuts