The Proud Trust Receives The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service

the proud trustThe Proud Trust, a specialist LGBT+ charity for young people based in Manchester, has been honoured with The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service, the highest award a voluntary group can receive in the UK.

The charity has been fittingly announced as an award recipient during National Volunteers Week, which takes place during the first week of June in 2021.

Could you be a trustee for a leading LGBT+ Charity?

the proud trust logoThe Proud Trust is a lifesaving and life-enhancing organisation that helps young LGBT+ people empower themselves to make a  positive change for themselves and their communities.

The Proud Trust are looking for new trustees to help steer them through the next exciting stage of their development, as they increase their support of LGBT+ young people regionally and nationally.

LGBT+ centre update – it's gold

lgbt centreAt the end of February the scaffolding came down on the LGBT+ Centre to reveal the newly installed cladding – it's gold! With the cladding fitted, the Centre is a literal shining beacon for the LGBT+ community. The building is still on track to be finished by the summer and The Proud Trust are so excited for the moment they get to finally move in.


No Going Back: A New Report from Macc on Manchester's Voluntary Sector Response to the Covid-19 Crisis

No Going Back, Macc's latest report brings together the experiences of 22 local voluntary sector leaders who shine a light on the critical role that the voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector has played during the response to the Covid-19 crisis. As well as reflecting on the lessons learned during the crisis, the leaders make the case for change going forward and highlight the unique opportunity society has to make things better in the future. Articles cover a diverse range of issues including: mental health; disability; community radio; funding; community centres; racism; sexual abuse; domestic violence; prisoners; commissioning; partnership; youth support; LGBT; and advice.

LGBT+ Futures: National Emergencies Trust Fund

lgbt+ futures grants programmeA new £350,000 grants programme to support UK based LGBT+ non-profit groups, organisations and projects most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Organisations applying must have Objects in their constitution specifically outlining their support of LGBT+ communities and/or be clear in their public facing materials (e.g. website) that their existing work proactively engages LGBT+ people or communities.