Physical Disability

Join Breakthrough UK’s Manchester Lived Experience Leaders Project

Are you a disabled person, or do you have lived experience of disability or a long-term health condition?
breakthrough ukDo you live in the city of Manchester?
Could you use your lived experience and knowledge to make Manchester a better place for disabled people?

Advocating for access and support needs – a free tool for your members and their service users

Involving people from seldom heard and marginalised groups has never been easy, and whether you want to consult, involve, engage or co-produce with service users, recognising the barriers standing in the way, and being committed to shaping our lives inclusive involvement matterstackling them, will help you to both engage more people and make the experience more positive for them, increasing the possibility of their participation in the future.

Join Manchester Leaders by Lived Experience Project

Are you a disabled person, or do you have lived experience of disability or a long-term health condition?
cream background with a circle of images of peopleDo you live in the city of Manchester?
Could you use your lived experience and knowledge to make Manchester a better place for disabled people?
Would you like to develop your skills?
Do you want to get paid for your time and experience?

Vacancy for paid member: Transport for Greater Manchester, Disability Design Reference Group

Are you a disabled person, or do you have lived experience of disability or a long-term health condition?
breakthrough ukYou may also work in an organisation supporting people with lived experience of disability or long-term health conditions.
Are you passionate about helping to create inclusive public transport, walking, cycling and wheeling services across Greater Manchester?

Inclusion Grants to support Deaf and Disabled people

GMCVO are seeking expressions of interest from Voluntary, Community or Social Enterprise (VCSE) organisations, working in Greater Manchester, for the benefit of Greater Manchester residents, fundingto encourage a change in the narrative around disability by improving accessibility and inclusion for Deaf and disabled people.

Foundations For Change Focus Groups

Breakthrough UK, Manchester Coalition for Disabled People and GMICP are providing focus groups to share experiences of the Healthcare and Local Authority workforces to help create a have your sayWorkforce Standard Framework for Disabled People and People with Long-term Health Conditions.

The focus groups are taking place on: