Young People

Out-of-school settings survey

Manchester City Council is working with the DfE on a project to promote and raise awareness of effective safeguarding practices at activities delivered to children, without their parents' or carers' supervision, within out-of-school settings. An out-of-school setting is a location which is not a school, college, 16-19 academy or provider caring for children under 8 years old which is registered with Ofsted or a childminder agency.

NOMA Community Fund – open for applications

The NOMA Fund offers awards of up to £1,000 to grassroots community organisations working with young people aged between 11 and 25 years old. Activity needs to be taking place and supporting those who live within the boundary of the M60 motorway. Annual income of groups applying to the Fund should be less than £100,000. NOMA

LGBT Foundation speaks up for LGBT inclusive education for all school children

Following reports that primary schools in Manchester have been contacted by parents unhappy over sex and relationships lessons that teach children about LGBT rights, LGBT Foundation’s Chief Executive Paul Martin OBE has today written a public letter to schools in Greater Manchester setting out why LGBT inclusive education is so important. LGBT Foundation logo

Manchester Safeguarding Boards e-Bulletin 1 February 2019

The Manchester Safeguarding Boards bulletin shares news, events, learning and development opportunities and links to information and resources which is of use to the multi-agency safeguarding workforce and the wider community across Manchester. Manchester Safeguarding Boards

Click here to read the bulletin

Emotion-sensing technology to help young carers express social isolation through music

A new project will use cutting-edge ‘emotion-sensing’ technology to explore feelings of loneliness and social isolation experienced by young carers – and help them create music to give voice to their feelings. 

Launching on Young Carers Awareness Day (31 January), Greater Manchester-based charity gaddum, and Manchester Metropolitan University, will develop and trial the new technology.

The technology is based around the connection between mood and music, aimed at tackling youth loneliness and isolation among young carers.

Children’s and young people’s experiences of loneliness: 2018

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) has released new research on loneliness in children and young people. Office for National Statistics

Analysis of children's and young people’s views, experiences and suggestions to overcome loneliness, using in-depth interviews, the Community Life Survey 2016 to 2017 and Good Childhood Index Survey, 2018.

VCSE Health and Wellbeing Fund 2019-20: Children and Young People's Mental Health – apply by 15 February 2019

A new fund has been announced by the government to support VCSE organisations that help children and young people with their mental health. Applications are invited from existing schemes to trial a new approach to helping children and young people with their mental health.