Young People

Update on Young Manchester

As many of you will be aware, Young Manchester is a new charity focused on supporting Youth and Play Services in the city. Young Manchester’s mission is to help improve the life chances of children and young people by giving them access to high-quality, inclusive opportunities.

Over the past six months Young Manchester have developed a strong Board of Trustees comprising highly experienced and committed leaders from across the voluntary and community, private and public sectors.

Greater Manchester Police and Crime Commissioner’s Youth Aspiration Fund

The Police and Crime Commissioner has made a commitment to provide appropriate schemes for children and young people from age 8 years to 25 years with a target range of 11 years to 18 years (flexibility will be permitted on the age range if a specified need is defined) who are identified as being at risk of offending, risky behaviour, vulnerable to exploitation and harm, have complex needs, live in a family or community which is vulnerable to exploitation and ha

Complete our important State of the Sector Survey

We have extended the deadline to complete our State of the Sector survey to 18 December 2016.

We would like to encourage your organisation to complete our important survey as we want to know how the government cuts and economic recession have affected our sector. We need to know how many groups have lost funding, how many have had to reduce services and how many have had to close or are facing closure. But also how we continue to work together providing valuable services and support to the people of Manchester.

CYA@HOME - Theatre performance project for 14-18 year olds

CYA@HOME is a fantastic opportunity to be involved in an exciting new theatre company who will perform a new work on HOME’s main stage as part of the National Theatre Connections Festival.

Community Arts NorthWest and HOME are looking for Young People aged 14 to 18 years with an interest in performance from all communities across the city. You will be able to develop skills, existing and new and work as part of a dynamic creative team. No previous experience is necessary; just enthusiasm, a willingness to try something new and commitment.

The People's Plan for Greater Manchester

Macc’s purpose is to encourage, support and develop voluntary and community groups and individuals to have a real influence over the places and communities in which they live. So for that reason alone, we’re supporting the People’s Plan as a non-partisan, citizen-led movement bringing new and seldom-heard voices into the conversation about the future of Greater Manchester.

Sleep Out Event in Support of Young Homeless People in Manchester

For one night Young People’s Support Foundation in partnership with Centrepoint asks you to swop your bed for a sleeping bag and sleep out so that homeless young people don’t have to.

The Sleep Out is taking place on 16 November 2016, 7pm to 7am at the Victoria Warehouse, Manchester.

Join in the Sleep Out in Manchester where Phenoix Night’s Justin Moorhouse will also be on hand to keep you all entertained.

Protecting Young People from Violent Crime survey

The Manchester Community Safety Partnership is currently looking at the issue of Youth Violence across the City and how it affects them. The Partnership has consulted with partners and agencies who work alongside and for young people but would like to obtain the views of young people themselves on this important issue. The survey asks about young people’s experiences of violence, their thoughts regarding the causes and their day to day activity.