Young People

GMYN Board Trustee Recruitment

Greater Manchester Youth Network (GMYN) are in an exciting period of growth as they embark on the delivery of a number of new projects and services to support young people across Greater Manchester. They would like to expand their board in this time of development.

GMYN want board members who believe in their cause and are able to give enough time to the role.

No previous experience of board membership is needed. Applications are welcomed from people of all ages and backgrounds. Enthusiasm and commitment are the most important qualities they are looking for.


Manchester Youth Market

Ever thought about starting your own business? Are you aged 16–21?

Trade at Manchester Youth Market for free (no stall charge for the first four weeks).

The Youth Market runs on Saturdays in Church Street, Manchester city centre.

To find out how you can get started contact Dawn Pickering, on 0161 234 5710, or email: [email protected]


Diane Modahl Sports Foundation Chair – Voluntary Position

The Diane Modahl Sports Foundation (DMSF) is changing lives. Working with some of the North West’s most disadvantaged young people, the organisation has provided opportunity; the opportunity to aspire to – and achieve potential.

Potential can be about making friends, joining in, learning respect; potential can be about competing and winning, excelling (for a few) or achieving (for all) in sport, school and life.

TestTown 2014

TestTown is Britain’s biggest high street enterprise challenge. It offers innovative young people the chance to test out great business ideas for real, in town centres all around the UK.

TestTown is a 7 day enterprise programme for young people aged 16-30 that is part pop-up festival, part skills course, part innovation competition by Carnegie UK.


BBC Children in Need - Small Grants Programme 2014 Deadlines

BBC Children in Need give grants for children and young people of 18 years and under experiencing disadvantage through illness, distress, abuse or neglect, any kind of disability, behavioural or psychological difficulties and living in poverty or situations of deprivation. Organisations are funded who work to combat this disadvantage and to make a real difference to children and young people's lives.

BBC Children in Need's Small Grants programme is open to charities and not-for-profit organisations.

Charityworks Graduate Programme

Charityworks is a 12 month graduate scheme designed to find and grow the future leaders of non-profit organisations.

The Charityworks Graduate Scheme is a professional development programme run by a partnership of charities and housing associations, and is carefully designed to find and grow the future leaders of nonprofit organisations in a cost-effective way.

Fundamentally open and collaborative, at its most basic the programme allows any organisation regardless of size the opportunity to run their own graduate programme.

The Challenge for Manchester

Before Christmas, Mike Wild (Chief Executive of Macc) and Nigel Rose (Macc’s Strategic Lead on Commissioning) met with Geoff Little (Deputy Chief Executive of Manchester City Council) and Carol Culley (Assistant Chief Executive, Finance and Performance).  We wanted to discuss the impact not just of the next wave of public sector cuts but the prolonged effects of recession. We also wanted to explore the Council’s views on how the voluntary and community sector can rise to meet the challenges faced by the communities in Manchester.

Report about Manchester's Valuing Young People Board

Nigel Rose, Strategic Lead (Commissioning) for Macc comments on the proceedings of Manchester City Council’s Valuing Young People Board.

Manchester City Council is facing unprecedented levels of cuts. Provision for young people is facing reductions in common with every other area of provision. Officers of the Council are in the process of developing proposals for the cuts which will then come to the Valuing Young People Board for discussion and then out for consultation.


Intergen is a growing organisation that offers advantages to older people, children and local schools.

The scheme allows older people to share their skills, experiences, time, friendship and knowledge with children and young people in local schools.
The younger people learn a lot, gain the companionship of older people and knowledge of how life changes as one gets older, become confident in speaking and relating to new people and have a new audience for their ideas and talents. The schools gain an extra pair of hands, a trusted friend and a willing helper in all sorts of ways.

Breakfast on the Brow Spring 2014

Breakfast on the Brow is serving free breakfast to students and young adults on a Saturday morning during the university term time from 18 January - 29 March 2014, 11am – 1pm at Brow House, 1 Mabfield Road, Fallowfield.

Breakfast on the Brow is organised by a group of Christians who have been given a small amount of money and have decided to spend it on cooking you bacon butties and egg muffins for free on Saturday mornings during term time.

Free bacon and egg butties and tea, coffee, hot chocolate and juice are being served.
