A new look for our website

We have refreshed our website and we’d love to know what you think, so please send us your thoughts and comments to [email protected]

We still have the same content but we’re hoping our website is easier to navigate:

Who we are 

What we do 

What’s happening 

About the sector 

We also have some new features:

Member’s area – we’re excited to launch an area dedicated for our members. Our members can log in to our website to find exclusive news and events. We have also introduced an easier annual renewal process. Find out more about becoming a member here 

Resources library – we’ve brought our resources all together in one place to make it easier to find what you’re looking for and to discover useful resources. You can search by topic and key words.

Funding opportunities – funding opportunities are now added to a dedicated place where you can easily search for core funds, small funds and our funding programmes.

Jobs – there is a feed of jobs on our website from the GM Recruitment Hub.

If you need help finding anything get in touch with us at: [email protected]