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Grant to help victims/survivors of domestic violence and abuse

22 Jun 2015 - 11:14 by michelle.foster

The victim/survivor recovery programme is being funding in the context of two key programmes – the Freedom Programme and Moving On Programme – that are currently delivered to empower victims/survivors and help them to understand and move on from their experiences.

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Lloyds Bank Foundation – Enable programme

19 Jun 2015 - 10:10 by michelle.foster

Enable provides a great opportunity to strengthen your charity so it can deliver more effectively. It can reinvigorate the charity by funding; organisational improvements; development of areas such as leadership and governance; improved systems; demonstrating outcomes etc. These developments will put the charity in a stronger position to be able to deliver services better and attracting funding.

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Small grants from the Charity Service

19 Jun 2015 - 10:07 by michelle.foster

Following a recent revision to its small grants programme, The Charity Service is inviting applications to two funds:

Manchester and Salford Medical Charitable Fund
Applications for funding are invited from charities, organisations and individuals to assist disadvantaged, sick and infirm people and those living in poverty. Grants are issued to assist with the purchase or supply of activities, amenities or items of a medical nature which are not supplied by the NHS. Grant beneficiaries must be resident within the cities of Manchester or Salford.

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Friends of Greater Manchester Law Centre

19 Jun 2015 - 10:05 by michelle.foster

Manchester needs a law centre. If people are committed then there will be a new law centre, owned by the community and providing high quality legal representation – for free.

In Greater Manchester there were eight law centres. Now just two remain. The city of Manchester itself which had three has become a law-centre-free zone. The Government wants to prevent access to justice and does so most effectively by removing the advice agencies that can deliver that access to those most in need.

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Men’s Shed - A local community project for men of all ages

19 Jun 2015 - 10:03 by michelle.foster

Men’s Shed is a local community project for men of all ages at St. Barnabas Rectory, South Street, Lower Openshaw, Manchester, M11 2EY.

It is a place for men to:
• Learn new skills
• Meet new people
• Refurbish old furniture
• Volunteer for your community
• Do your own project
• Relax and have fun
• Share knowledge
• Grow and eat your own food
• Renew old skills
• Or just hang out and talk

No experience is needed, all materials and equipment are provided and it’s free for all to join

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Manchester Youth Market test trading initiative

19 Jun 2015 - 09:57 by michelle.foster

MakeMCR are working with We Love MCR and MCR Markets, on raising funds for a new project, the Manchester Youth Market test-trading initiative and will be fund raising until 11 September.

We Love Manchester has pledged £29,247.00 to set up a new Manchester Youth Market that will pop up every month in a surprising locations where Mancunians aged 16 - 30 will be able to try out their business ideas and showcase their businesses.

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Trustee vacancies at Refugee Action

19 Jun 2015 - 09:57 by michelle.foster

Could you play a leading role in a dynamic charity at the forefront of supporting refugees in the UK?

Refugee Action believe every refugee seeking sanctuary in the UK should be able to live, not just survive. For more than 30 years Refugee Action have helped people who’ve survived some of the world’s worst regimes to find the basic support they need to live with dignity. Refugee Action also challenge the policies, practices and attitudes that prevent many refugees from building a safe, happy and productive life in the UK.

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People in Manchester urged to open their hearts and homes to vulnerable adults

17 Jun 2015 - 14:26 by michelle.foster

People in Manchester are being encouraged to consider opening their home to a vulnerable adult as an innovative new service is launched in the city.

Award-winning social enterprise PSS and Manchester City Council have teamed up to unveil Shared Lives (or Adult Placement) - where vulnerable adults and young people over 16 live at home with a specially recruited and trained carer and their family.

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Spirit of Manchester Awards 2015 – get your nominations in by 3 July

16 Jun 2015 - 16:03 by michelle.foster

The Spirit of Manchester Awards is a series of awards celebrating and highlighting all the excellent work being carried out in Manchester’s voluntary and community sector. As well as providing recognition to the sector in these hard times, we want to raise the profile of the sector amongst the general public and encourage local giving and active citizenship.

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