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All Children and Families

Rising Cost of Living – take part in the BBC’S One Show

16 Apr 2014 - 16:13 by michelle.foster

The BBC's One Show is looking for a family to talk about the rising costs of living.

Have you been 'feeling the squeeze' recently? Have your food, transport and energy costs gone up and are they putting pressure on your household finances? Do you sometimes wonder where all the money is going?

The BBC's One Show is looking for a lovely, chatty, close-knit family, where three generations (grandparents, parents and kids) all live near to each other and are happy to spend a day together being filmed.

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BBC Children in Need - Small Grants Programme 2014 Deadlines

28 Feb 2014 - 09:32 by michelle.foster

BBC Children in Need give grants for children and young people of 18 years and under experiencing disadvantage through illness, distress, abuse or neglect, any kind of disability, behavioural or psychological difficulties and living in poverty or situations of deprivation. Organisations are funded who work to combat this disadvantage and to make a real difference to children and young people's lives.

BBC Children in Need's Small Grants programme is open to charities and not-for-profit organisations.

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Woodward Charitable Trust - Children's Summer Playscheme Grant 2014

7 Feb 2014 - 10:31 by michelle.foster

Each year the trustees of the Woodward Charitable Trust set aside funds for summer playschemes for children between the ages of 5-16 years.

Grants can only be paid to registered charities.

Most grants awarded are in the range of £500 to £1,000. Around 35 grants are made each year.

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Volunteer with Retrak

31 Jan 2014 - 10:52 by michelle.foster

Retrak’s vision is a world where no child is forced to sleep on the street. This is a big challenge, and they can’t do it alone.

They are recruiting volunteers to give street children a voice and enable them to save more children’s lives.

Retrak are a Greater Manchester based international charity which relies on local support. They are partnered with Greater Manchester Police and Greater Manchester Fire Service, and now they are expanding in to the community to try and find more support for vulnerable children.

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The Challenge for Manchester

27 Jan 2014 - 15:12 by Mike Wild

Before Christmas, Mike Wild (Chief Executive of Macc) and Nigel Rose (Macc’s Strategic Lead on Commissioning) met with Geoff Little (Deputy Chief Executive of Manchester City Council) and Carol Culley (Assistant Chief Executive, Finance and Performance).  We wanted to discuss the impact not just of the next wave of public sector cuts but the prolonged effects of recession. We also wanted to explore the Council’s views on how the voluntary and community sector can rise to meet the challenges faced by the communities in Manchester.

Report about Manchester's Valuing Young People Board

21 Jan 2014 - 14:37 by Nigel Rose

Nigel Rose, Strategic Lead (Commissioning) for Macc comments on the proceedings of Manchester City Council’s Valuing Young People Board.

Manchester City Council is facing unprecedented levels of cuts. Provision for young people is facing reductions in common with every other area of provision. Officers of the Council are in the process of developing proposals for the cuts which will then come to the Valuing Young People Board for discussion and then out for consultation.

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Free entitlement for two year olds

19 Dec 2013 - 16:02 by michelle.foster

You may have heard of the free Early Education (childcare) entitlement for two year olds.

Manchester has been funded to provide Free Early Education for 2,270 of the most deprived two year olds in 2013 and 4,500 in 2014. Children are entitled to 15 hours of early learning in a range of settings for up to 38 weeks across the city. Manchester City Council want to ensure all two year olds who are eligible access their entitlement and would be grateful for your support in raising awareness and where possible support families to take up this free offer.

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