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All Children and Families

Reports relating to investigations into abuse in children’s homes and schools and investigations into NHS establishments

1 Apr 2015 - 10:17 by michelle.foster

Investigations into abuse in children’s homes and schools from the Department for Education
This is a statement regarding investigations relating to Jimmy Savile and a number of children’s homes and schools in England. Click here to read the report

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Office of the Children’s Commissioner Report - ‘If it’s not better, it’s not the end’ Inquiry into Child Sexual Exploitation

18 Mar 2015 - 11:24 by michelle.foster

‘If it’s not better, it’s not the end’ Inquiry into Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE)
in Gangs and Groups: one year on report by the Office of the Children’s Commissioner is a follow up to the ‘If only someone had listened’ inquiry into CSE in groups and gangs, in which the OCC recommended the implementation of the See Me, Hear Me framework.

This report documents the progress made by government, LSCBs and police forces in tackling CSE in the last year.

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M9 ADHD Parent Support group

6 Mar 2015 - 10:22 by michelle.foster

The M9 ADHD Parent Support Group are a volunteer parent run Support Group for Families that live with ADHD in the North of Manchester. The group runs:

Coffee mornings on Thursdays, 9.30am-11.30am
19 March, 2 April, 16 April, 30 April, 14 May, 28 May, 11 June, 25 June, 9 July, 23 July, 6 August, 20 August, 3 September, 17 September

Coffee evenings on Thursdays, 6pm-7.30pm
26 February, 26 March, 23 April, 21 May, 18 June, 16 July, 13 August, 24 September

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Manchester Safeguarding Children Board Lay Members

19 Feb 2015 - 11:57 by michelle.foster

Manchester Safeguarding Children Board (MSCB) is seeking to appoint two Lay Members who will be volunteer members of MSCB’s strategic partnership Board. MSCB coordinate what is done by each person or body represented on the Board for the purposes of safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children in the area; and to ensure the effectiveness of what is done by each such person or body for those purposes.

The role is non-remunerative but reasonable expenses will be paid. The successful applicant will need to have:

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The Woodward Charitable Trust Children's Summer Playscheme Grants 2015

30 Jan 2015 - 09:51 by michelle.foster

The Woodward Charitable Trust Grants are provided by the Woodward Charitable Trust and administered by the Sainsbury Family Charitable Trusts.

The scheme is intended to support small scale organisations that provide children's summer playschemes.

The Woodward Charitable Trust award Children's summer playscheme grants of between £500-£1,000.

Charities that apply should have an annual income under £100,000.

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Action for Children - Foster With Us

23 Jan 2015 - 10:09 by michelle.foster

Action for Children are establishing a team of specialist full time and short break foster carers. If you have a desire to give children and young people a chance at a brighter future by offering them stability, care and support; if you can show understanding at the same time as creating positive boundaries and rewards, then you could be part of the team.

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Safeguarding Policies update

12 Dec 2014 - 11:42 by michelle.foster

The Greater Manchester Safeguarding Procedures was updated at the end of November. The procedures have been written so as to be part of the wider goal of improving the overall wellbeing of children and provide a framework for an integrated approach to safeguarding children from harm. The procedures reflect current legislation and accepted best practice. Click here to read the procedures

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Coffey Inquiry looking into the issue of child sexual exploitation

28 Nov 2014 - 10:55 by michelle.foster

Called for by Tony Lloyd, and chaired by Ann Coffey MP, the Coffey Inquiry is looking into the issue of child sexual exploitation.

The inquiry will speak to agencies, experts, victims and their families, as well as drawing together the range of reports published on specific cases and the broader issue of child sexual exploitation. Where possible, evidence will be heard in public. The inquiry will then report back with recommendations on how agencies can work better together to respond effectively to the issue.

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